

Each member of your group must individually develop a clear subject matter summary of each of the argument moves of the sub-headings of your assigned Chapter. Begin by making each header in the chapter a spate outline section (e.g., I, II, III, IV, etc). The outline the basic arguments of that section of the chapter with A 1. 2.; B 1. 2., etc. form of outlining. You must develop at least 2 cogent questions for fellow students at the end of each sub-heading section of the chapter. Please number the questions Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. throughout the chapter. Once you have outlined the chapter and developed questions for each of the sub-divisions, please select what you believe to be the three best questions you have devised and copy these (retaining which Q number they replicate from above) to the end of your outline of the whole chapter. We will use these three questions for seminar discussion.

The purpose of the questions is not to test knowledge of fellow students. Rather, you are to devise questions that invite reflection and contribution by which fellow classmates can demonstrate their own engagement with readings and then apply these readings to life situations or their own organizational experience. We recognize that not all students come with organizational experience

Morgan Assignment Guide: You are providing synoptic summaries in which I expect you to write out the header or subhedear in italics and then provide the brief summary with 2 questions per header. Example: for Chapter 2 that would mean that with the Introduction (2 questions) plus 5 subheadings (10 questions) that students will develop 12 questions in total. From this they will be asked to pick the best three questions and copy and paste them to the bottom. Note that sometimes one question you develop may have several sub-questions like the example below.

Sample question of the kind I would like you to devise from the Brain chapter:

If the brain metaphor is to apply (i.e., “How do we take what we know about how the brain works and apply it to what we know about how organizational behavior works?”), doesn’t the human brain constantly try to create patterned order out of information that would otherwise appear to be chaos? Since organizations naturally want to avoid chaos in favor of patterned behavior, what kinds of mechanisms have you seen organizations put in place you have been part of or have worked for to help them make internal sense of their external environment? Or, have any of you worked in an organization that just thrived more on internal chaos than on routinized behavior?

Please put the source citation of the Morgan book at the top of the page in APA fashion. Then use APA page citation style for summarized material. If you quote, please put the page number for the quote in parentheses following the quoted material. Quotes should occur very sparingly in summaries.
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