critically evaluates Nic Bishop’s Lizards by using Horning’s From cover to cover (p.47)


critically evaluates Nic Bishop’s Lizards by using Horning’s From cover to cover (p.47)
Please write a two-page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-poing font) that critically evaluates Nic Bishop’s Lizards. Use the questions in Horning (p.47) to complete your response

Please focus on the reading on :
Bishop, N. (2010). Lizards. New York: Scholastic

However you also should know what does Horing talk about, especially follow question on p.47 to evaluate Nic Bishop’s Lizards
Horning, K. (2010). From cover to cover: Evaluating and reviewing children’s books. (Rev. ed.). New York: Collins. From Cover to Cover must be the revised edition.


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