Doing a report by listening the interview record


write anything from his word as if I’m the one who wrote the report. He could write what ever he thinks that could help even if it was not true.

For example, what you learned from conducting the interview ?. The writer could write in his own words and what he actually learned but write it

as if I’m the one who wrote it.

The report will be 450 to 500 words which will include:

*logistical details of the interview (i.e, when, where, on what topic, who participated etc)
1) When> On the 23d of may. 2)Where> In house. 3) What topic> the writer can obtain it from the record. 3) Me(hamad) and My sister(shama)

*the structured questions that you asked and the unstructured probing questions (these are not included in the word count)>>> The writer can write

from his own words
*the main points that came up in the interview about what it is like studying in the university
a reflection to include:
* your overall thoughts as to the quality of the interview
* what you learned from conducting the interview (both from your participant as well as about the research process)
*what changes would you make for future semi-structured interviews
** • logistical details of the interview (i.e, when, where, on what topic, who participated etc)
• what type of research it was (primary/secondary; qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods)
• the main points brought up in the interview and their relevancy
• your overall thoughts as to the quality of the interview
• what you learned from conducting the interview (both from your participant as well as about the research process)
• what changes would you make for future semi-structured interviews
• the interview protocol you used
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