
I have two books and i will write for the page that i want u to read and to give me summery in ur own word . The first one is Write a brief of 100 words of this selection in your own words this is the name of the book {Spiritual Classics ed. by Foster and Griffin. (referred to below as “SC”)}: 291-299 (Ignatius Loyola)) and i also need after u finish the summery for this one to write me question {What is one question or issue raised by this reading that you would like to discuss in class?}
the second one is the book name is (Imitation of Christ by Thomas â Kempis (translated with an intro by H. Gardiner) and u will read this two part Thomas á Kempis,Thomas â Kempis, Imitation of Christ, Book 2 (pp. 75-99) and i also need after u finish the summery for this one to write me question {What is one question or issue raised by this reading that you would like to discuss in class?} i don’t need any outside source just write in ur own word and please don’t forget the last part of each part to write me one question for each one. try to be a bit more specific regarding the particular issues involved



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