

The purpose of this project is to study, in-depth, a country, outside of the USA, and to develop a thorough understanding of the markets in this country to be able to make recommendations regarding e-marketing in that country. The first part of the report is the country report which should be a detailed report on the demographic and geographic facts and history, political, economic, technological and cultural (including business customs) aspects of the country. The second part of the report will be an in-depth marketing analysis which will include packing and service delivery, channels of distribution and advertising and customary sales promotion and the like for your selected country. Based on this marketing analysis, an analysis of products/brands from the USA that would be best suited to be marketed in this country will be incorporated. The third section of the report will be an e-marketing plan for marketing one of these products/brands you will choose. The product/brand must be one with a potential market in your destination country and should not be already available there.

Be professional, i.e. use correct grammar, spelling, etc. Have a cover page and page numbers
? Not exceed 15 double spaced [12 pt, Times New Roman, 1″ margins] pages including bibliography & exhibits
? Include your insights based on what you learn from this course
? Incorporate graphics, bar graphs, and pie charts if necessary (within the body of the paper)
? Include recommendations you have for the organization
? Include a Summary
? Provide a complete bibliography of all references used in the study with references included in the body of the report. If you are unsure how to cite publications or web source, or how to write references in a bibliography
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