



Be sure to follow all formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus. Your final work product must have a cover page with a word count, an essay that is 3-4 pages in length and a works cited page. The minimum writing requirement expectation is two full pages in your own words (excluding citations). If the minimum expectations are not met, the assignment will be marked incomplete. Be sure to provide a proper citation in MLA or APA format for all works consulted on a separate works cited page.


The purpose of this activity is to strengthen you critical thinking skills around politics in the news. You primary task is to read and disseminate media coverage of political issues / events. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the content covered in this course. The larger effort is intended to help you understand politics from a variety of perspectives.

Each step of the process has been outlined for you in the directions below. The first step is to identify article as they relate to the specific unit we are covering in the course. Then carefully identify how the central theme in the article relates to the course and how it demonstrates an ideological “spin” found in the media. This is commonly referred to as bias identification.

Activity Prompts (please read the instructions below VERY carefully):

Getting Started

Locate two articles that address the same current political issue/event. Try to find articles that contain some bias toward the issue, editorials are the best resource for this activity. The political topic should have some connections to the course material (see the syllabus or textbook for ideas). You may only use print or electronic media, either a newspaper or news magazine (no websites or blogs).

Essay Content

1. As the title for this assignment, provide the full MLA citation for both articles (you will need to list them again on the works cited page).
2. The first paragraph should summarize the main issue(s) in each article, so that the audience will know what the discussion in the media is about.
3. The majority of your essay will:
a. Identify and analyze the bias/ ideological “spin” in each article. This effort will require additional research using scholarly sources that are to be documented on a works cited page.
b. Engage in a discussion on how both a Conservative and a Liberal perspective could apply to the events / issues discussed in the articles.
c. Demonstrate your understanding of the issues/events and how ideological perspectives have shaped the news.
4. Include a discussion around your personal position on the issue (pro, con, indifferent).
a. Clearly state how you think the issue can best be addressed, without using first person tones.
b. Why do you feel the issue should be handled in a particular way? Make a recommendation based on your findings.

3 souces, cover page.
3 peer review articles included as well. Remember peer review article blogs are not absolutely acceptable in any circumstance for this essay


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