Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources
in a company called “BAE SYSTEMS”
Activity 1
A new manager is starting in the organisation shortly. Your HR department in (e.g., BAE SYSTEMS) has been asked to provide a 10 minute
presentation that will give the manager some understanding of the organisation in preparation for their start.
The information you provide should include:
1. The purpose and goals of the organisation
• Describe the purpose & goals of an organisation
2. A list of what the organisation produces or the services that it offers to its customers
• Describe the products, services and customers of an organisation
List the main products and services of the organisation
3. An identification of the main customers
Identify the main customers
4. An analysis of 4 external factors and their impact on the business activities of an organisation
• Analyse how external factors impact on the business activities of an organisation
• Note: analysis of a minimum of 4 external factors &their impact on the business activities of an organisation
5. The structure of the organisation that includes at least 4 functions
• Describe the structure of an organisation and the functions within it (with at least 4 functions)
6. An explanation of how these different functions work together within the organisation to optimise performance
• Explain how the different functions work together to optimise performance
7. An identification of the culture of the organisation and 2 ways this affects operations
• Explain how the culture of an organisation affects its operation (at least 2 ways it affects its operation)
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