knowledge of the field

Directions: Be sure to make a copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.

To increase your knowledge of the field, write an essay describing many of the work events that make up the construction sequence of a typical project. Because specifics of each project are usually different, you should not go into great detail, but you should cover the main phases and provide general descriptions as to the activities taking place. At a minimum, your essay should include a description of the following: on-site mobilization, earthwork, installing the foundation system, installing underground utilities, erection of the structural system, installing the floor system, building the envelope, installing the roofing system, installing mechanical systems, constructing interior walls and partitions, and finishes. Each of these topics is in your text. Do your best to pick up the key highlights of each work phase. This exercise serves to reinforce your understanding of the construction sequence. Your essay should be 4-5 double-spaced pages in length.

This assignment must be a neat, professional presentation on this subject. Proper punctuation, spelling, and usage of grammar are imperative.


Format Requirements
Use the following format requirements on all submissions.
Writing Style APA (American Psychological Association)

Note: To find detailed information on APA manuscript style guidelines on the Internet, go to
Margins 1” all sides

Paragraphs The entire document should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″)

Headings Bold

Type Style and Size Times New Roman, 12 point

Software MS Word
Student/Assignment Information
The following information should be on the first pageon the top left side of the page in the format provided below. Do not provide a cover sheet (unless the assignment requires one).
Student Name

Student Identification Number

Course Number and Title

Assignment Number and Title

Date of Submission

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