
Prepare a written responses to the writing prompt below. Your written response should demonstrate how you gained further insight about an Organizational Behavior concept while applying the concept to your personal life experience. Your written response should: • be formatted as a one-page, single-spaced, 12-pt font document, with 1-inch margins, • include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph, • contain logical and useful organization of ideas, • display correct grammar, mechanics, and punctuation, which includes the use of complete (not fragmented) sentences, • contain adequate tie-in to the text, • adequately answer the writing prompt, and • include student’s name as a header in the top right corner. Prompt: Wilson’s managerial skill research (p. 17) indicates that effective female and male managers do not have significantly different skill profiles. What experiences do you have regarding being managed by a male or female (or both)? Do your experiences match Wilson’s research? Elaborate on your answer. “PLEASE WRITE FROM THE PAGES I UPLOADED ONLY, don’t use any other resources”.


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