Personal Statement for Postgraduate


Personal Statement for Postgraduate
– bachelors degree in graphic design
– want a masters degree in Design and innovation in Goldsmiths university London , UK. ( one of the top ten in the UK for design)
-I studied four years in the American University in Dubai, and took a lot of courses from typography to courses concentrating in graphic design. I enjoyed courses that revolved around branding and logo design. I also love all forms of calligraphy and have also done courses after graduating from university in Arabic Calligraphy.

– I love to challenge my self and i wish to excel in my studies and future, which is why i am interested in this university. They offer very interesting majors, but the one major that caught my attention was ” MA in design and Innovation”
– please include why london is a great city to pursue a masters in ARt and Design … Also that unfortunately Dubai does not offer the same in term of post graduate degrees.
– i am thirsty to learn and i want to make a change in Dubai with my designs and add to the art scene.
– i need it to be explained why i am right for this course.
– i completed nearly 2 years working in Dubai Electricity and water Authority as a senior graphic designer, and i have worked on alot of Projects that have to do with innovation like Solar innovation Center ( in which I was part of the design team), Sheikh mohammed bin rashid solar park and so on… which have opened my eyes to different things in terms of design and so on. My creativity and hard work were recognized and appreciated by the authority. I Also created a logo identity and the whole branding of the Dubai electricity and Water Authority’s subsidiary company which is usually done by agencies, but the Management trusted me fully which was the first time such a thing to be created internally and by one graphic designer. All thse things I worked on and new projects I was exposed to made me learn so much about how business work especially with the government of Dubai.
– I am very interested in innovation and would love to have an opportunity to create an innovative design/project.
-I am very creative, i love coming up with new ideas, i am a perfectionist when it comes to my work… need to make sure everything is perfect. I have an ability for working independently, also do well with team work, i have good time management, good with problem-solving, leadership, and listening.
-It would be a great opportunity for me to able to pursue my passion and continue my masters in your university. In order to see my innovative creations come to life, first I need to learn more… there is never a stop to learning,,,

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