In the early days of Web design, Web sites were still designed using HTML coding, but there were no editors. Many early Web sites were built using
Notepad. In fact, you can view many of these old Web pages via a Web site called the Wayback Machine. If you look at the Wayback Machine and
explore pages that were archived as far back as the 1990s, you can see the stark improvement tools such as CSS have made (on appearance, if
nothing else). However, these earlier Web designers did not have anything like CSS to design Web layouts; thus, they had to rely on tactics such
as the use of tables or frames.
As HTML5 has become more standard practice across the Internet, the W3C declared the use of frames as obsolete. However, while W3C facilitates
many Web standards, some disagree, stating that the W3C made a mistake in discouraging the use of frames by declaring them to be obsolete in
HTML5. For this Discussion, weigh the arguments for and against this statement. Do you agree or disagree?
Create an initial post in which you take a position on the value of frames in HTML5. To do this, compare the merits and weaknesses of frames in
HTML5, as well as the arguments of professionals on both sides of the frames debate. Based on your comparisons, explain with which side of the
debate you agree. Also, justify any choices, assumptions or claims you make using the suggested Learning Resources for this week and/or specific
examples (representing the merits and/or weaknesses of frames) from your own research.
(The reference sources must be clear and state where to find them. Citing should be more detail.
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