You are required to complete and submit three (3) portfolio short-answer questions from the list of four questions. Your three portfolio short-
answer questions must be completed on the template provided below.
Each short answer response must be 500 wordsin length and must contain a word count at the end to show compliance. Students are encouraged to use
examples where possible in their answers to illustrate their understanding.
Please note that marks will be deducted for:
– exceeding the set word limit
– using bullet points or numbered lists
– not using references
Proper paragraphs in academic writing style are required. Students are required to source and use additional sociological references beyond their
set textbook, e-journal articles and Course Resource Online readings (CROs) to inform their short answer responses.
Correct referencing using the Harvard (author-date) referencing style must be used to acknowledge information sources and any direct quotes.
If you have any questions about this assessment and how to complete it then please post a question up on the discussion forum or contact the
course coordinator.
To submit this template file with your name click on ‘save as’ and insert your surname followed by your first name and student number in the file
name (e.g., Smith_Jenni_S123456_Assessment 3)
Q.1 A colleague is moving to a rural town in Queensland to take up a government job as an allied health / social work professional (select
relevant profession to your degree). The town was established in 1870 by pastoralists and its economy is based around coal mining and agriculture.
Sporting activities and entertainment facilities consists of rugby league, AFL, off-road racing, several pubs, a library and art centre. The
current population is 6,000 people and this is comprised of newly settled refugees (5%) and a large population of Aboriginal people (10%). The
nearest regional town is a 3 hour drive away and the town is an 8 hour drive from Brisbane.
Your colleague is 24 years old, female, single status and has had 6 months experience working in an inner city private practice in Brisbane.
Drawing on your sociological understanding (specifically CAGES) what advice would you give to your colleague about working and living in this
rural town?
(word count: )
Q.2 In rural and remote communities cultural barriers often exist between health and social worker practitioners, and clients from minority groups
(e.g., Indigenous people, new immigrants and newly settled refugees). Why does this issue exist and how can this be overcome?
(word count: )
Q.3 Information and communication technology facilitates access to health and social services for people in rural and remote Australia. What
disadvantages and limitations of this technology exist for people in these communities? (include in your answer consideration of the various
social groups that comprise these communities)
(word count: )
Q.4What are the challenges of using rural case management to support individuals and families in rural and remote areas?
(word count: )
Reference list
All references cited must be listed here in alphabetical order (surnames A-Z) and Harvard (author-date) Referencing style. Do not use bullet
points or numbered lists.
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