Social Work Essay:


Social Work Essay:

1,050 words to complete the assessment based on 1 of the case studies provided.
Please include the sub headings:
– Risks and Concerns
– Strengths and Protective factors
– Intervention Plan
(No references required)

Intended Learning Outcomes being assessed:
Having completed this essay the student is expected to demonstrate:

1. A critical understanding of the factors that create or exacerbate risk to individuals, their families or carers, to the public or to professionals, including yourself, and contribute to the assessment and management of risk.
2. A critical understanding of the interventions that are employed to meet the needs of children and young people, including therapeutic work.
3. The use of judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse.
4. Analyse and evaluate key law and social policy initiatives and the impact they have on children, young people, their families and carers in the context of anti-oppressive practice.
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