The compliance of Kuwaiti listed companies with the IFRS requirements


The Project component of the course is essential to passing this course. The project shows competency in understanding and applying the course objectives and achieving the learning outcomes. The project allows the student to investigate, apply, research, and practice real life business situations. It is expected that each student to fully and actively participate in the project as an effective team member. The main topic of this project is:

“The compliance of Kuwaiti listed companies with the IFRS requirements”

Main keyword is IFRS or IFRS adoption. When you search, put the key word in the Title of the article to minimize the search results.

Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss from literature review the aims and objectives, methodology, and results of each article based on topic of IFRS and its adoption.
2. Understand the purposes and process of the IFRS topic
3. Understand the behavior of the Kuwaiti companies regarding the IFRS topic.
4. Define IFRS and its adoption based on the main requirements
5. Outline the key standards which reflect the IFRS within the Kuwaiti environment.
6. Explain the factors support or reject the IFRS adoption in the selected sample
7. Explain the benefits and advantages of the IFRS adoption.
8. Analyze the IFRS compliance in the listed Kuwaiti companies.


Deliverables: (hard copy & Turnitin submission)
• Delivery one should be submitted in the last lecture in week 5, Search and Download for relevant articles in the literature (minimum 10). Ideally, this should be done through either Google Scholar or EBSCO – Academic search complete using the AUM library link. You can use search key terms described above.
– Choose Articles only when searching
– Make sure that the article is available for download, and then
– Download it into your PC.

In this delivery, students should submit a summary of a minimum of 10 recent academic articles related to the above topic. For this deliverable, a hard copy report in addition to the Turnitin submission should be submitted according to the following template. The student should achieve the learning outcomes number 1 & 2.

A suggestion of deliverable one to be summarized in the following table:

Article number 1 out of 10
Article title
Source: includes Source title, volume, issue, issue date, pages
Document type
Methodology, Research design, data, Sample Selection
Main Findings, conclusions
• Plagiarism: the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Also, paraphrasing, summarizing, like direct quotation, is considered as plagiarism, if the original source is not properly cited.
• Students will be held responsible if someone copies their work.
• Similarity should not exceed the range between 10% in all deliverables including the reference page.
• All deliveries will be submitted through Turnitin to check written work for improper citation or misappropriated content and also a Hard Copy is needed for file purposes.
Project description

You are required to submit 2000 word , showing the concepts and variables through an analysis of some recent academic articles of your choice. Then analyse and use them to show your understanding of the auditing topic.

Your analysis must cover the following topics:
1. You need to demonstrate that you have been able to read and utilize the academic articles you submitted in delivery one.
2. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic concepts through showing your comments and understanding of the articles results and their applications on the sample selected.

Your work should be word processed and we will take account of your ability to express yourself and deal with complex conceptual issues. Please comply with the hand-in guidelines in the module syllabus.


Important instructions:
Submission before the due date is essential; no submission is accepted after the due date.
Similarity should not exceed the range between 10% in all deliverables including the reference page.
A hard copy is required to be submitted in addition to the Turnitin submission.
A reference system should be used properly from the EBSCO site either APA or Harvard style.


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