Task Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 600–1,200 words of new content
Points Possible: 100 Due Date: 3/2/2015 11:59:59 PM CT Click here to add this assignment to your calendar
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
For this assignment, you will select the best RFP, SOW template, and procurement contract award template that you researched in the Discussion Board. You should have at least 6 sections in each of the templates. Your next task is to fill in all of your relevant project information in each of the templates.
For the compilation of your source selection criteria, you may use similar to the following table or matrix:
The overall project deliverables are as follows:
Update the Key Assignment document title page with the new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Complete new content below, and copy it under the sections in Key Assignment document called Request for Proposal, Statement of Work, and Source Selection Criteria.
New content to be inserted is as follows:
Request For Proposal (RFP)
Fill in all of the sections in the selected RFP with sufficient detail.
Prepare a brief letter to be sent with the RFP explaining why you are sending it to the specific vendors.
Build a list of at least 3 real or fictitious vendors.
Statement of Work (SOW)
Fill in all of the sections in the selected SOW with sufficient detail.
Source Selection Criteria
Construct a selection criteria matrix similar to the example with at least 6 or more criteria in the first column to effectively rate your 3 vendors or suppliers.
Fill in the names of each of the vendors across the top.
Determine how you will rank them (e.g., 3 = high probability, 2 = good probability, and 1 = low probability) to allow you to tally these up for an overall ranking.
Name the document LastName_FirstName_MPM346_IP2.doc.
Submit the document for grading.
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