Analysis of Ancient vs Modern Theories on Cosmology Evolution Essay For today: 1-page Synopsis with 1-page Outline TOPIC:Analysis of Ancient vs. Modern T

Analysis of Ancient vs Modern Theories on Cosmology Evolution Essay For today:

1-page Synopsis with 1-page Outline

TOPIC:Analysis of Ancient vs. Modern Theories on Cosmology Evolution

Please see attached doc for proposal.

Introduction from Prof. for the whole project

Term Project: You will be asked to do a term project, which consists of: (a) written project topic proposal, 1-2 paragraphs (2.5 points); (b) written 1-page project synopsis with 1-page outline (5.0 points); and (c) final project (27.5 points), for a total of 35 course points. If done as a term paper, I am expecting the final project to be about 10 pages in length (including title page, illustrations/tables, end notes, etc.). The term project must be focused on the first course theme: cosmogenesis, that is, the study of how our Cosmos came into existence. However, within that overall rubric, you have considerable latitude in which to pursue your individualized term project. For example, you can write a term paper, create a video, construct a model or generate new mode of artistic expression, such as a “creation rap chant”, which espouses your personally preferred view of cosmogony. More traditional modes of analysis may take various forms, such as: (a) comparing and contrasting cosmogonic points of view of two ancient civilizations; (b) examining the similarities and differences between a past society’s cosmogony and today’s Standard Model of Cosmology; or (c) looking at two of today’s competing cosmological models and discussing how these modern cosmological models reflect scientific, philosophical or societal debates going back to ancient or medieval times. What you may NOT do for your term project is focus solely on modern cosmological theory; you MUST tie your project back to one or more historical cosmological models and their original source materials. All of your work must be must be properly cited and documented. Due dates for topic approval, outline/synopsis, and final project are set forth in the Course Schedule and Course Requirements. Analysis of Ancient vs. Modern Theories on Cosmology Evolution
Cosmology can be defined as the study of the universe and its elements, its formation,
evolution, and what its future entails. Cosmology is a combination of philosophical and scientific
knowledge which constitutes the universe study and its principals about space, time and matter.
In this research project, cosmology will be discussed in two subclasses, deductive and inductive
arguments. Various works of literature will be provided on cosmology speculation, and several
questions and scientific explanation, in the nature of physical laws will be examined. The main
objective of the research project is to explore the similarities and differences in the past society’s
cosmogony and the modern standard models of cosmology.
Most of the ancient scientific observations were on cosmology and people in the early
times projected their ideas into an animistic world. From a modern aspect, cosmology is a
historical science which deals with the development of the universe since its origin. The modern
cosmological perspective brings about issues of space and time. For instance, whether they are
infinite or finite and varies concepts concerning space. Modern cosmology began with Einstein’s
general theory of relativity in 1915. The main feature of this theory was in the use of space that
implied the use of geometry in the replacement of traditional physics. Though there are
significant similarities in the ancient and modern cosmology creation, there are also considerable
differences. Explicitly, the research project will explore the creation of cosmology by looking
into both the historic cosmogony and modern models.

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