Primary Healthcare in United States Paper We are seeing rapid change in primary care as stakeholders are demanding higher quality healthcare at reduced cos

Primary Healthcare in United States Paper We are seeing rapid change in primary care as stakeholders are demanding higher quality healthcare at reduced costs. After reading the Cuenca (2017) and Shi, et al. (2017) articles, provide a synthesis-level evaluation of how you believe the patient-centered medical home and value-based payment models will (1) impact your personal practice as a nurse practitioner, and (2) transform the way primary care is delivered in the United the following article:Cuenca, A.E. (2017). Preparing for value-based payment: five essential skills for success. Family Practice Management, 24(3), 25-30.Shi, L., Lee, D., Chung, M., Liang, H., Lock, D., & Sripipatana, A. (2017). Patient-centered medical home recognition and clinical performance in U.S. community health centers. Health Services Research, 52(3), 984-1004. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.12523.two pages needed

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