SQL Database Administration Project Task1: (From 1 to 2 pages)
Submit a work proposal for this assignment, which must include:
Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables
General overview of proposed plan – initial understanding of solution for the task-2 and task-3 in each point.
Book resources identified (4 to 5 references)
The assignment:
Z Car is one of the leading automotive in Oman. It is established in the year 1990 and has a current customer base of over 5000 customers. The customers belong to different parts of the country. It employs full-time and part-time personnel. It offers various automotive services like regular service and special service. The company has an online system for the appointment services round the clock.
As a Database Administrator (DBA) working for Z car, perform the following:
You are required to provide screen shots with appropriate level of discussion on tasks performed:
1. Create tablepace with appropriate segment management.
2. Create user and link the user to the above tablespace.
3. Grant appropriate privileges to connect and create the required objects.
4. Create at least 5 tables of your choice for the above scenario (Tables should include appropriate constraints)
5. Create one complex view based on your analysis
6. Create any two synonyms.
7. Create index on any one table.
8. Create one sequence of your choice.
9. Insert at least 5 rows to the table for which sequence is created.
10. Insert at least 5 rows with appropriate values on any two tables having primary key foreign key relationship.
Consider the scenario given in task-2 and create any four users (e.g. Yousuf1, Yousuf2, Yousuf3, and Yousuf4) in the Z car database and assign the privilege to connect to the database. Out of the four users, one user (i.e. Yousuf1) is for GenralManager and two users (i.e. Yousuf2and Yousuf3) are for the managers. The fourth user (i.e. Yousuf4) is for the admin staff.
I. Create three roles with the following privileges:
1. G_M: can only view the records on the table created by Yousuf4.
2. Data_Entry: can only insert and view the records on the table created by Yousuf4.
3 HoD: can only edit and delete the records on the table created by Yousuf4.
ii. Assign the roles created above to the users as indicated below:
1. Assign the role G_M to the GeneralManager (i.e. Yousuf1)
2. Assign the role HoD to the managers (Yousuf2)
3. Assign the role Data_Entry to the managers (Yousuf3)
4. For the admin staff (i.e. Yousuf4) assign the privilege to create a new table. You may use any table from the task-2 scenario.
iii. Login with each user and demonstrate your results
Your solution must include the necessary SQL commands as screenshots and brief explanation for each of the steps.
Kindly make sure of;
– zero similarity in turn it in
– Each paragraph citation with Harvard style
– Easy language