Towson University Wolfram Wolfram Chemical Element Atomic Number Essay 1.a)What is the atomic number of your element?
b)What is the chemical symbol for your element as it
appears on the PeriodicTable?
c)Is it a solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature?
2.What does the name of your element mean?That is, how did it get its name?
3.When was it discovered?By whom?
Some elements have been known for thousands of
In that case just give a little history of the element and
how it was used long ago.
4.How abundant is the element on earth or in the
earth’s crust.You may give it as a percent (for
example, “5% of the earth’s crust”)
or as a ranking (for example, “23rd most
abundant element”).
5.What are some of the major uses of the element?
6.Are there any dangers or toxicity associated with
the element?
Be sure to give references for this information.
The paper is to be in paragraph form, not as a series of bullet points.Check your spelling and grammar.
Do not use any words you do not understand.There is a lot of information on the internet about all the elements, much of which you cannot understand at the beginning of this course.Do not just incorporate words or phrases that mean nothing to you.Either look up the words or don’t use that bit of information.For example, don’t write “Element X is a teratogen.”I suspect you don’t know what a teratogen is.However you could write, “Element X is a teratogen, which means it causes birth defects, so it should be avoided by pregnant women.”This shows you looked up the word “teratogen”.