University of Ottawa Does Peace Have a Chance by John Horgan Essay This assignment is editing and revising my essay that I posted. I also post the guidelin

University of Ottawa Does Peace Have a Chance by John Horgan Essay This assignment is editing and revising my essay that I posted. I also post the guidelines of the revision and please focusing on that.The first word file is my In-class essay introduction, the second and third files is the article and my essay and the last file is this editing assignment guideline. My essay only got 57% since I only have 1.5 hours to finish that. And professor`s evaluation is missing the thesis statement and not clear about my discuss. Of course you also can rewrite my essay and that you have to focus on my In-class essay introduction and read the article.(Word limit:1500 and the references)This assignment is 20% in my whole grade so If you have any question just let me know~ Write a 3 to 4-page (hand-written, single-spaced, and single-sided in a mid-term
booklet) analysis of the essay you’ve chosen from the textbook. If you double-space your
essay, it will be 6-8 pages.
This essay requires you to show critical reading skills and the ability to form a clear and
effective thesis which you will argue in a well-organized manner throughout the essay.
As a critical reader you will be assessing content, argumentation, evidence of
manipulative or inadequate—or, on the other hand, strong, well-supported—reasoning,
style, and tone. You will be trying to interpret what the article sets out to convince the
reader of, how it tries to do so, and whether or not you think the writer has successfully
argued his or her position. You may also include (if you are ready to) some discussion of
whether or not you agree with the position being argued in the paper. Be careful to
organize your essay around the number of key points that you can argue adequately in a
paper of this length. In other words, you do not have to discuss every possible angle of
the paper, but only those things that you find most important.
Your thesis will be based on how well or how poorly you think the article is written, and
can include your own opinion about the issue being discussed if you wish to. You might
actually disagree with the author’s position, for instance, but think that she or he has
written a very persuasive piece, or vice versa.
This will be an open-book in-class assignment. You may use your textbook and a onepage outline to assist you.
PLEASE NOTE: This essay does not require you to assess “formal” rhetorical strategies
such as are found in Chapter 4 of the textbook. The material in Chapter 4 can give you
some pointers on what to look for in your analysis, but you don’t need to be able to label
the author’s strategies by the names used in Table 4.2 on page 46, for instance.
Does Peace Have a Chance?
Institution Affiliation
There are diverse definitions of peace. It can be referred to as freedom from disturbance.
It is also a state or term in which there is no war, or the fighting has ended. Peace is an essential
factor in our life as with it; we can be able to run all our other activities smoothly. From the
fascinating essay written by John Horgan, ‘Does Peace Have a Chance?’ There are various
ideas concerning the decrease in war and any other war-like actions. I concur with Horgan that
peace does have a chance in our world.
Does Peace Have a Chance?
From the first paragraph, he states that war has a chance of decreasing. He questions the
trustworthiness of a post mounted on the door of the West Point War Museum that reads,
“Unquestionably, war-making is a feature of human nature which will continue as nations
attempt to impose their will upon each other” (Horgan, 2009). Horgan states that he queries this
quote due to the recent statistics providing a largely diminishing number of war causalities
compared to historical and prehistoric figures. The number of causalities in the past were at a
high rate compared to now. It is a sign that war is coming to an end and that peace has a chance
in the world.
In the fifth paragraph of his essay, John Horgan points out that there are three percent less
of all deaths worldwide as per only one estimate. It is a decline from twenty-five percent of the
world’s deaths in earlier years. He gives an example from a study estimate which shows that in
the first half of the twentieth century, as many as 19 million people were killed both directly and
indirectly. It is hence an average of about 3.8 million deaths per year. While in the second half of
the twentieth-century war, only 40 million people died during that time, which amounts to about
800,000 deaths in a year (Leitenberg, 2016). There is a decline in the number of deaths as
compared to the earlier years. The decline indicates that the chance of peace is so high, and it
should be embraced.
? He goes on with giving examples of the decline in the number of deaths in recent
years that shows there is less war than in the past years. He writes that due to the sudden
aggressive of early societies, it has counted for as many as 25 percent of all deaths; however,
there does not state indirect deaths from famine and disease. According to anthropologist Brian
Ferguson, there is very little evidence of lethal groups’ aggression among many societies now,
unlike in 12,000 years ago (Horgan, 2009). War occurred and spread everywhere over the next
few thousand years ago among hunters, gatherers and other groups of people who left their
nomadic lifestyles to a more inactive life. According to this perspective, war arose due to the
change of surroundings and their way of life rather than because of human nature as it was stated
in the West Point War Museum.
? When people are questioned whether the war will ever stop, three-quarters of the
population say that it will never end. They point out and claim that the world has continuously
been involved in battles, and the situation will persist as humans are naturally aggressive. All of
our human behaviors are stem from our biology. Nevertheless, the unexpected disclosure of war
around 10,000 BCE and its current dwindling suggests it is essentially a cultural event that
culture is currently assisting to beat (Mueller, 2017). Concerning this, international wars were
avoided in 2003 when the U.S invaded Iraq.
Additionally, more conflicts between industrialized powers have been evaded ever since
the conclusion of World War II. What we have now as most disputes are guerilla wars,
rebellions, and terrorism or in simpler terms, they are just remnants of war. It is a clear picture
that people are slowly avoiding conflict in their environment.
Additional cultural issues contribute to the recent reduction of violence between states
and even within states. The establishment of stable countries with a more operative legal system
and police forces has helped to eliminate the innumerable clashing which had plagued many
tribal societies. The police forces patrol around the streets of a state to ensure that the incidence
of violence amongst people is minimal. If anyone is caught violating the law, they are taking into
custody by the police to serve as a warning to others. People will be in fear of being taken into
custody, and therefore, they will maintain peace in their surroundings. Secondly, due to the
improved life expectancies, people are less likely to risk their lives by engaging in violence
(Horgan, 2009). People have become more aware of the importance of their lives other than
always endangering them. Globalization and communications have also helped us become more
interdependent on and understanding toward others who are outside our immediate race.
? If we are not going to have war, neither are we having peace? We have seen in the past
years that there are rising threats to safety, stability, and harmony almost everywhere in the
world. The international arms expenditure by the United States, China, and Russia has stricken,
and their struggles to stem nuclear production has stopped. It is stated that al-Qaeda operatives
have a plan to blow up a nuclear suitcase bomb in New York City tomorrow as per the reversing
of the current trend immediately. However, as per the evidence of a decrease in war-related
deaths, people should never accept war, fights as an external instrument of punishment of human
condition. He focuses on the decline of deaths as a sign that war is so avoidable and should not
be said that it is an aspect of human nature.
John Horgan presents the idea of whether the international war age is coming to an end.
He cites many international and government-oriented reports to support his argument. The
statistics of death count are used as war measures, although according to him, this might be
unsure. It is because not all deaths are caused by war directly. There is a report from the “The
Global Burden of Armed Violence” in 2008 states, which shows that annual war-related deaths
from 2004 to 2007 were 250,000 which is so low in comparison to historical numbers (Krause,
Muggah, & Gilgen, 2015). The death rate has decreased so drastically. Also, the statistics from
the research of the Santa Fe Institute and the anthropologist Lawrence are quoted to show an
evident decline in the trend of war-related deaths as compared to prehistoric rates. It is, therefore,
a positive sign for the elimination of war in our modern civilized times.
He has a significant disagreement with the theory that war is inevitable. According to
both Brain Ferguson’s perspective, who is an anthropologist, and the West Point War Museum’s
suggestion, human nature is not the cause of war in the old years but cultural and environmental
conditions. However, he agrees with the notion that human behavior comes from the biology
containing combative side, John Horgan agrees with the political scientist John Muller on calling
rebellions and terrorism as remnants of war. Cultural elements help to decline the magnitude of
the number of armed conflicts. Also, the establishment of states with effective legal systems and
offices helps diminish the number of deaths.
I agree with Horgan, especially where he says that war is not innate but a human
adaptation in history. He is so selective in making use of statistics and coordinating journalwriting the language to make war. He points out and says that there are political science topics
readable, gaining attention from the public. Wars are deadly, and it has been proven in the last
12,000 years (Horgan, 2009). We should, therefore, avoid them and find ways to help prompt
peace according to Horgan. His work has proved that there is a possibility of a human world
where there is no war, and we can all decide to be on the track of peace. It is essential and a
challenge to all of us to believe that we can overcome conflicts around us, and find peace as our
start to end the war.
It is inaccurate empirically and morally to say that since war is not inevitable, neither is
peace. It is empirically wrong because there are fewer chances of conflict arising from some
hard-wired instinct compared to unpredictable cultural and even environmental circumstances
(Keeley, 2018). A lot could be done and has been done to make sure there is a decrease in the
risk that it poses. It is morally erroneous since the certainty that war will never come to an end
helps preserve it. The more convinced we are that humans are incorrigibly violent, the higher the
chances of supporting leaders and policies that make our conviction self-fulfilling. Therefore, the
initial step we should take in ending the war is to trust that we can stop it.
Horgan’s argument is so bright and persuasive. He gives reliable statistics and examples
to effectively convince people about his idea of peace having a chance. He provides all cases
from the early days to modern history so that people can see this as totally achievable. It is clear
that peace deserves a chance in our world, and it should be given some attention. However, it is
challenging for us to believe that we can overcome war and find peace since the war was the start
point (Horgan, 2009). Nevertheless, we should start with all certainty that we can have peace all
over the globe. We need first to believe we can have it and then do it.
Horgan, J. (2009). The End of War. San Francisco: McSweeney’s.
Keeley, L. H. (2018). War before civilization. OUP USA.
Krause, K., Muggah, R., & Gilgen, E. (Eds.). (2015). Global burden of armed violence 2015:
lethal encounters. Cambridge University Press.
Leitenberg, M. (2016). Deaths in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University, Peace Studies Program.
Mueller, J. (2017). The remnants of war. Cornell University Press.
Editing Assignment
For this assignment, you will edit and revise your in-class essay. Following the guidelines of the
revision and editing hand-out that will be posted on Brightspace, you will work on the original essay
by marking up the mid-term booklet to improve 1) the global level of your argument and 2)
paragraph structure and development; and then eliminate 3) grammatical errors, awkward or vague
wording, and unnecessary sentences; and 4) correct all misspellings.
You can do as many drafts as you like to improve the essay before completing the final version. Be
sure to hand in all evidence of editing and revision work, INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL INCLASS ESSAY, along with your final good copy.
The final version will be printed, double-spaced, and single-sided. You should expect to add at
least a ½ page to a page in length to your original work as you improve on the depth of analysis
you apply to your argument. This will be the main focus of those students who did very well on their
in-class essay: to increase their angles of analysis and push their argument into deeper levels of
insight. And, of course, if you were unable to reach the minimum page length in the original, you
will make sure to complete that minimum length in your revised essay.
This editing assignment is worth 20%. The essay will be marked on its own merits, but you must
show the work you did to get to that final draft.

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