Ashford University Wk 7 Experimental Research Forum Q&A Discussion Week 7 Forum Question In a seamless posting, please incorporate the following questions

Ashford University Wk 7 Experimental Research Forum Q&A Discussion Week 7 Forum Question In a seamless posting, please incorporate the following questions into your initial postings:Remember in your research proposal that you need to mention, if you are going to use an experimental or non-experimental approach. Discuss which approach you are considering for your research proposal and why.Student expectations for Forum questions:

Your initial Forum posts require a minimum of a 500 word substantive response. All follow-up responses (minimum of 2) should require 250-300 words. A total of three posting is necessary to have completed the bare minimum amount of forum work each week.Original responses to the Forum group question need to be substantial and significant supported by at least one additional scholarly reference that goes beyond the readings. Students should be using the APUS Online Library to search for peer-reviewed journal articles that help support their argument. The in-text citation and references will be formatted in APA Style. Your original posting should be posted as a response to the Forum question. Please be sure to use your own words; meet the deliverable length; support your main post (in-text citations AND list of references); use paragraphs in your main post to organize your points and make it more reader-friendly; and post three time per week. Please avoid “i” … etc and be sure to start each new sentence with a capital letter. All original response will be posted no later than Thursday evening 11:55 PM EST the week of the Forum question. This allows time for others to respond to your posting.

Students will also be required to respond to at least two (2) other students posting with significant comments that demonstrate critical thinking by asking additional questions or adding to the body of knowledge started. If you argue, controversial issues use a reference to support your argument that adds credibility to your position. Your response to your peers work should be engaging and informative with good substance. Your responses should contribute in a meaningful way to helping advance our knowledge of the topics the class explores.

There is help with proper APA Style formatting in the lessons and resource sections of the electronic classroom, which can be found on the menu bar on the course homepage. Your responses are due no later than Sunday 11:55 PM EST.

All postings should contribute and advance the class knowledge of the course themes. Students are encouraged to “get out of the comfort zones” when making their arguments. The reason behind this activity allows students to analyze work from many different perspectives allowing the critical thinking process to grow. If you always stay in your comfort zone, you are not accepting of new ideas and concepts. Feel free to explore your theories and test them on the battlefield of peer review. Just make sure to include a scholarly reference to help support your argument.
See the rubric below. This is how your postings will be graded so make sure that you use the rubric to help guide your work. ACT470-Module 1-Option 1
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