BMGT 8002 CU Wk 2 Reflect on APA Referencing Academic Paper Study Discussion BMGT8002 Reflect on the second study in this unit and describe Unit 2 Discussi

BMGT 8002 CU Wk 2 Reflect on APA Referencing Academic Paper Study Discussion BMGT8002 Reflect on the second study in this unit and describe Unit 2 Discussion Week 2


This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following course competency:

Write and present in academically appropriate ways.

Reflect on the second study in this unit and describe what you learned about the APA manual as a reference. Describe a minimum of five of the sections you chose to tab and why. These sections might include in-text citations, direct quotation citations, or reference lists. Share any insights about the manual and any other APA sources you found that may be helpful to others in the class. Make each of these tabbed parts of the manual separate sections with headings in your discussion.

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