Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient Essay Write a 2-3 page paper (body of paper) utilizing the following guidelines: you need to see the power po

Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient Essay Write a 2-3 page paper (body of paper) utilizing the following guidelines: you need to see the power point first

Choose ONE of the 7 Habits, your worst habit, and write a paper on how, within the next 30 days, you are going to change this habit. Also include how improving this habit, you can better develop your emotional intelligence (refer to lecture notes)
Should you choose Habit 3, also include an Appendix – not counted toward page count, a calendar which clearly highlights and schedules the major roles in your life
Be specific and avoid use of the phrase (and thinking): “I will try”, as this normally indicates no desire to change
Include more than one quote from the book which supports your thesis
Be sure to tie in how this will improve your EQ
APA Format including in text citations
No abstract required
Include Reference List (not counted toward page count)
follow the powerpoint What’s your EQ?
7 Habits
 1. Be Proactive
 4. Think WIN-WIN
 2. Begin with the End in Mind
 5. Seek First to Understand, then be
 3. Put First Things First
 6. Synergize
 7. Sharpen the Saw
What is EQ?
 Emotional Quotient (or Emotional Intelligence) – Daniel Goleman
 Your ability to understand/perceive yourself and others
 Five categories:
 Self Awareness – ability to recognize emotion as it happens
 Self Regulation – ability to manage oneself – how long does emotion last (anger, sadness, etc)
 Motivation – Achievement drive, commitment, initiative, optimism
 Empathy – recognizing and understanding how others feel
 Social Skills – interpersonal skills
Why should I care about EQ?
 Success isn’t dependent on IQ… in fact…
 IQ counts for roughly 10% (at best 25%); the rest depends on everything else — including EQ.
 TalentSmart tested emotional intelligence alongside 33 other important workplace skills, and
found that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58%
of success in all types of jobs
Emotional Intelligence in Hiring…
 According to Crane and Seal (Student Social and Emotional Competence in the Hiring
 Transferable skills are considered CRITICAL by employers
 Interpersonal skills (communication skills, problem solving skills, adaptability, responsibility, positive
demeanor, team work) are the MOST important of these transferable skills
 “Social and emotional competence (SEC) is a set of interrelated behaviors involving the
recognition, regulation, and impact of one’s emotions and the emotions of others”
 “Two thirds of competencies linked to superior performance in the workplace are emotional or
social in nature”
Your EQ affects how you deal with:
 Decision Making
 Communication
 Time Management
 Presentation Skills
 Change Tolerance
 Customer Service
 Empathy
 Anger Management
 Team Work
 Trust
 Assertiveness
 Social Skills
Ready to take a quiz?
Answer each statement as you ACTUALLY are, rather than as you think you should be.
1. I can recognize my emotions as I
experience them
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
2. I lose my temper when I feel frustrated
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
3. People have told me I’m a good
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
4. I know how to calm myself down when
I feel anxious or upset
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
5. I enjoy organizing groups
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
6. I find it hard to focus on something over
the long term
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
7. I find it difficult to move on when I feel
frustrated or unhappy
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
8. I know my strengths and weaknesses
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
9. I avoid conflict and negotiations
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
10. I feel that I don’t enjoy my work
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
11. I ask people for feedback on what I
do well, and how I can improve
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
12. I set long-term goals, and I review my
progress regularly
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
13. I find it difficult to read other people’s
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
14. I struggle to build rapport with others
 5 – Not at all
 4 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 2 – Often
 1 – Very Often
15. I use active listening skills when
people speak to me
 1 – Not at all
 2 – Rarely
 3 – Sometimes
 4 – Often
 5 – Very Often
If you scored between…
 15-34:
 You need to work on your Emotional Intelligence. You may find that you feel overwhelmed by
your emotions, especially in stressful situations. or you may avoid conflict because you think that
you’ll find it distressing. It’s likely that you find it hard to calm down after you’ve felt upset, and you
may struggle to build strong working relationships.
 DON’T WORRY – there are plenty of ways you can build your Emotional Intelligence!
If you scored between…
 35-55:
 Your Emotional Intelligence level is… OK.
 You probably have good relationships with some of your colleagues, but others may be more
difficult to work with.
 The good news is that you have a great opportunity to significantly improve your working
If you scored between…
 56-75:
 Great! You are an emotionally intelligent person. You have great relationships, and you probably
find that people approach you for advice.
 However, when so many people admire your people skills, it’s easy to lose sight of your own
needs. Researchers have found that emotionally intelligent people often have great leadership
potential. Realize this potential by seeking opportunities to improve.
Developing your Emotional Intelligence…
 Self Awareness: (questions 1, 8, 11)
 Practice Habit 1: Be Proactive – Be aware of the space between stimulus and response; you
choose your reaction. In other words, you are responsible for how you react.
 Self- Regulation: (questions 2, 4, 7)
 Practice Habit 3: Put First things First – make and follow the decision to put your highest goals and
values first; this is the habit of SELF MASTERY
 Practice Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw – Renew yourself, physically, mentally, spiritually, and

How To Develop Emotional Intelligence with the 7 Habits

Developing your Emotional Intelligence…
 Motivation (questions 6, 10, 12)
 Practice Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind – make the decision to live your values and morals
and focus on what you want to achieve
 Empathy (questions 3, 13, 15)
 Practice Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then be Understood – think about others’ viewpoints,
use active listening to fully understand them – this is one of the most fundamental people skills
Developing your Emotional Intelligence…
 Social Communication Skills (questions 5, 9, 14)
 Practice Habit 4- Think Win, Win
 Practice Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then be Understood
 Practice Habit 6 – Synergize
 Don’t shy away from difficult situations or conversations. Echo back what you hear the person
saying, in a way that they “feel” you’ve heard them; Think mutual respect, mutual understanding;
practice, practice, practice. Start in small groups, and work your way up
 Write a 2-3 page paper (body of paper) utilizing the following guidelines:
 Choose ONE of the 7 Habits, your worst habit, and write a paper on how, within the next 30
days, you are going to change this habit. Also include how improving this habit, you can better
develop your emotional intelligence (refer to lecture notes)
 Should you choose Habit 3, also include an Appendix – not counted toward page count, a
calendar which clearly highlights and schedules the major roles in your life
 Be specific and avoid use of the phrase (and thinking): “I will try”, as this normally indicates no
desire to change
 Include at least one quote from the book which supports your thesis
 Be sure to tie in how this will improve your EQ
 APA Format
 Include Reference List (not counted toward page count)

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