HIST 110A CSU Fullerton Relation Between Roman and City of Pompeii Essay History 110A SECOND WRITING ASSIGNMENT Due to the changes in course teachi

HIST 110A CSU Fullerton Relation Between Roman and City of Pompeii Essay History 110A


Due to the changes in course teaching brought on by COVID-19 and campus closure, I have changed the style of the Second Writing Assignment. Originally, I had planned to allow you to select your own topic to research and write about, but that is too complex to do under the present conditions. I realise that most of you are confronted with family-related issues because of the pandemic, so may not have enough time to do a longer writing assignment. Also , because of the campus closure, you may not have access to the resources of the Pollak Library, except electronically. Because of all this, I have changed the Second Writing Assignment instructions as follows:

1. I have posed two topic questions. SELECT ONLY ONE to answer. It is your choice as to which one you select. Here they are:

What do the remains of Pompeii tell us about the cultural, architectural, social and political beliefs of Romans in the First Century C.E./A.D.?
What were some short-term and long-term impacts on the people of Europe because of the 1347-1351 “Black Death” (Bubonic Plague)?

2. Because we did not cover these topics in lecture, I have posted to the course website two Power point presentations you would have seen in class. One is “Pompeii Frozen in Time,” which give a large amount of information (and pictures) useful to answer the first question. The other is “The Black Death,” which details events of that tragic 14th century pandemic (how appropriate given current conditions!); it has pictures too.

3. To support your research, you must also select at least ONE primary source reading (more are OK) from the readings downloaded on the course website. For the Pompeii question, look at “Topic An.23-The Roman Empire and the Pax Romana,” which has several readings about Pompeii as well as other subjects found in the section “Lifestyles and Culture During the Pax Romana.” If you choose the other subject about which to write, read “Topic Me.09-The Black Death” which has numerous articles on the Black Death and its impacts.

4. The paper must have at least 3 FULL pages of text, with you name, student number and class day & time in the upper left corner of the first page (single spaced). No cover or bibliography page is needed. The paper must use 12-point sized Times New Roman type font, and lines must be spaced at 1.5 distance, with just ONE 1.5 space between paragraphs (the same spacing as between lines in each paragraph of text).

5. Your finished paper must be a Word-format document (not PDF) and sent to my personal e-mail (docwam47@gmail.com). I must receive the paper NO LATER than Wednesday, May 6 at 12 noon. Late papers will not be accepted. OPM assignment TIPS
Word count
— Task 1 (35 marks), 1300 words
— Task 2 (25 marks), 700 words
— Task 3 (40 marks), 1000 words
Word count excluding graphics and captions
Assignment Format
• Report Style
• List your observation times/visits
Observation time
Target supermarket
31 March 2020
1 April 2020
5 April 2020
9 April 2020
Assignment Format
• Report Style
• List your observation times/visits
Report Structure
• Introduction
• Section 1, 2, and 3
• Subsection 1.1, 1.2; 2.1…….
• Conclusion
• Appendix (not include in word count)
• Remarks: Introduction and conclusion are optional
• DON’T disturb the staff during your visit
• DON’T try to enter the restricted area in the store!
• Public area
Instructions of Assignment

Report style. Have a clear headings for Section 1 and Section 2
Structure – include an abstract (a short executive summary)
USE Diagrams to illustrate your ideas.
If you draw your diagrams in MS Words, use “Autoshape”.
If you draw your diagram on the paper, please scan it and attach it
to the report.
• Use Pictures, and make indications on the pictures if appropriate,
see examples in next slide.
• Pictures, Diagrams and Tables should be located within the content
(Not appendix!)
• DON’T only rely on the information in the literature and/or
internet. You need to visit the case companies in order to answer
the questions.
• Please reserve plenty of time to upload your work to
the submission point (i.e. don’t submit your work at
the last minute).
• Please be aware the file size of your report. Your file
size may be large since you may include some large
photos (i.e. without reducing the resolution and the
size of photo)
• In the previous year, a very few students uploaded the
report to the submission point at the last minute. It
might take a long time to upload it to the VLE system
due to the file size (delay for a few second, but this is
still a late submission)
How to draw
diagrams in
Step 1
Create New Canvas
This is Canvas
Step 2
Insert picture into the
Step 3
Mark the indication(s) within the
(please use Autoshape to make
Task1 (35 Marks)
• What are the major differences in operation
management practices between these two
supermarkets? You will need to consider the key
aspects of operation topics such as layout and
flow, process management (draw process
mapping of one selected product), inventory
management, and lean management. You only
need to focus on two selected aspects in your
Task 1 Tips (1)
❖ Layout and flow
• Map the layout diagrams of the supermarkets
• Identify the layout types
— Fixed position layout, functional layout, cell
layout, product layout
• Critically evaluate the characteristics of them
— how they influence the 5 performance objectives:
quality, flexibility, cost, speed, dependability
— how the flow happens in the layout
— what are the advantages and disadvantages
• Does the layout match the polar diagram
objectives? (optional)
Task 1 Tips (2.1)
❖ Process management (draw process mapping of
one selected product)
• Select an important process in the supermarket
to evaluate their flows and steps.
• You should apply the process mapping technique
to describe the processes in detail, and state how
the activities within the process relate to each
• Critically evaluate the flow of the process and try
to challenge the current setting of activities, and
find any way to improve the current process (e.g.
reducing unnecessary activities).
Task 1 Tips (3.1)
❖Lean management
• Push and pull system
• Waste
• How to eliminate the waste
• 5S
• Kanban
• 5 performance objectives
Traditional approach and Lean synchronization
Caused by non-value
added movement of
people and machines
Waiting for Upstream
process to provide
Caused by the
unnecessary movement
of material , information
What might it look like
• Unnecessary walking, bending,
• Searching through database, files,
• Extra clicks or keystrokes
• Work in process waiting for
input/ information
• Awaiting Approval
• Wait for meeting to start
• Waiting for systems to start
• Moving documents from
place to place in the
• Manual workflows
• Office Moves
This type of waste
occurs whenever we
have rework, defects or
This waste is work in
process or finished
Caused by
processes & operations
What might it look like
• Incorrect reports/data
entry errors
• More finished product than
the customer needs
• Unnecessary hands-off
• No decision rights
• Information not right the
first time
• Emails/ requests to be read
or handled
• Complicated approvals
Producing more product /
information than the customer
wants and before the customer
wants it
What might it look like
• Printing extra copies of reports
• Reports or information nobody uses
• Back ups between departments
Kanban System
The Kanban System is a easy mean to
control the material flow.
dYLbJiTUE (Kanban video)
Source: www.ebz-beratungszentrum.de
Source: www.shelftaguspply.com
5S For Improvement
– To ensure a clean, orderly, safe and productive workplace.
5S is a Foundation for Improvement
‘Value stream’ mapping
‘Value stream’ mapping focuses on value-adding activities and distinguishes between
value-adding and non-value-adding activities. It is similar to process mapping but different
in four ways:
➢ It uses a broader range of information than most process maps.
➢ It is usually at a higher level (5–10 activities) than most process maps.
➢ It often has a wider scope, frequently spanning the whole supply chain.
➢ It can be used to identify where to focus future improvement activities.
Task 2 (25 marks)
• Analyse and discuss the differences in
operation strategies between the two
supermarkets, and how their operations
strategies influence the operation settings of
both supermarkets.
Task 2 tips (1)
• Identify Competitive factors of both Supermarket
• Map the Competitive factors to Performance objectives
• Do the their operation strategies reflect on operations
settings (activities, layout, resources) in both stores?
Give solid examples (and take pictures for evidence)
• How to match the operations strategies with the
market requirements?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages?
• Others hints: product variety, procedures of operation
and activities, no. of staff, facility layout (types of
Examples: Different banking services
require different performance
objectives (1)
Different banking services require
different performance objectives (2)
Different competitive factors imply different
performance objectives
Competitive factors
If the customers value these …
Performance objectives
Then, the operations will need to
excel at these …
Low price
High quality
Fast delivery
Reliable delivery
Innovative products and services
Flexibility (products and services)
Wide range of products and services
Flexibility (mix)
Ability to change the timing or quantity of
products and services
Flexibility (volume and/or delivery)
Order Winning, Qualifying, less important factors
• Order winners – are those things which directly and
significantly contribute to winning business.
• Qualifying factors — are those aspects of competitiveness
where the operation’s performance has to be above a
particular level just to be considered by the customer.
Performance below this ‘qualifying’ level of performance
will possibly disqualify the company from being considered
by many customers.
• Less important factors — They do not influence
customers in any significant way
Task 2 Tips (2)
• You will find a lot of interesting “operation settings” in the
two supermarkets.
• There must be reasons for the supermarkets to setup these
designs (operation design, layout design). E.g. reducing
cost? Better utilising space? Better utilising human
resources? Better customer service?
• The biggest challenge is to link this design and settings into
performance objectives.
• If you do not have any clue, Try to spot the differences
between one supermarkret to another supermarket
ALDI example (1)
ALDI example (2)
ALDI example (3)
ALDI example (4)
Task 3 (40 marks)
• The managers of both supermarkets would like to implement
quality management techniques to improve the operations.
Select one of the supermarkets (either Sainsbury’s or ASDA)
and discuss the feasibility and potential benefits of applying
the following quality management techniques. You only need
to focus on two selected quality management techniques in
your discussion.

Gap analysis
Statistical process control
David Garvin’s 8 quality dimensions
5 why’s
Task 3 Tips (1)
• Feasibility of adopting two selected techniques to
one of the supermarkets: Gap analysis, Statistical
process control, David Garvin’s 8 quality
dimensions, Fishbone, 5 why’s.
• Study its feasibility (very important)
— Do you think it is a good idea to use the selected
— Are the quality tools useful in identifying the
weaknesses in the operations and/or root cause of
quality problem in a cafe? (Hints Machine
performance, staff performance, customer
Task 3 Tips (1)
• Please illustrate (use tables/figures/drawings) your
ideas about how to use it and implement it in one of
the supermarkets .
• The benefit of using the selected techniques
• The challenge of applying the selected techniques
— mindset?
— sustainability?
• Use literature to support your arguments/analysis
Remarks: You can plot a diagram based on some
dummy data to illustrate your idea.
Task 3 Tips (3)
• Statistical process control
You can discuss which process is worth to use run chart to
investigate the quality over time
You can plot a mean chart and a range chart based on
some dummy data to illustrate your idea.
Hints – quality of the food, quality of the service
Control Chart Advantages
• Simple to use and understand
• Common language between employees and
• Indicates when the process is in control
• Indicates when action is necessary to eliminate SPECIAL
CAUSE variation
• Identification of special and common cause variation
reduces confusion and misunderstanding
The perception –
Expectation Gap
Action required to ensure high
perceived quality
Main organizational
Gap 1
Ensure consistency between internal
quality specification and the
expectations of customers
Marketing, operations,
For example, a car may be designed to need servicing every 10,000 kilometres
but the customer may expect 15,000-kilometre service intervals.
Gap 2
Ensure internal specification meets its
intended concept of design
Marketing, operations,
For example, the concept of a car might have been for an inexpensive, energy-efficient
means of transportation, but the inclusion of a climate control system may have both
added to its cost and made it less energy-efficient.
For example, the internal quality specification for a
Ensure actual product or service
car may be that the gap between its doors and body,
Gap 3
when closed, must not exceed 7 mm. However,
conforms to internally specified
because of inadequate equipment, the gap in reality
quality level
is 9 mm.
Gap 4
Ensure that promises made to customers
concerning the product or service can
really be delivered
For example, an advertising campaign for an airline
might show a cabin attendant offering to replace a
customer’s shirt on which food or drink has been
spilt, whereas such a service may not in fact be
available should this happen
David Garvin’s 8 Quality Dimensions
Dimension 1: Performance
• Performance refers to a product’s primary operating characteristics
• Does the product perform to its standards? Does the product do what it says on
the box?
Dimension 2: Features
• Features are additional characteristics that enhance the appeal of the product or
service to the user.
• What additional benefits will be added to the product? Will they be they tangible
or non-tangible benefits. For example this could be after sales service, or
Dimension 3: Reliability
• Reliability is the likelihood that a product will not fail within a specific time period
• Is the product consistent. Will it perform well over its lifetime and perform
consistently. Many brands have developed trust with customers because of the
issue of reliability.
David Garvin’s 8 Quality Dimensions (2)
• Dimension 4: Durability
• Durability measures the length of a product’s life.
• How durable is your product. Will it last with daily use?
• Dimension 5: Conformance
• Conformance is the precision with which the product or service
meets the specified standards
• Does your product meet with any agreed internal and national
specifications? For example, safety regulations and laws.
• Dimension 6: Serviceability
• Serviceability is the speed with which the product can be put into
service when it breaks down
• Is the product easy to service. Does the organisation offer enough
service support.
David Garvin’s 8 Quality Dimensions (3)
• Dimension 7: Aesthetics
• How a product looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells. Aesthetics is largely
a matter of personal judgment and a reflection of individual preference; it
is a highly subjective dimension
• Is the product appealing to the eye? Design is important for many
products; the colour picked indicates certain things.
• Dimension 8: Perceived Quality
• Perceived Quality is the quality attributed to a good or service based on
indirect measures., e.g. made in France
• Reputation. Consumers do not always have complete information about a
product’s or service’s attributes; indirect measures or perceived quality
may be their only basis for comparing brands..
• What sort of quality perception does the marketing team want to convey
in their marketing message? Will price charged reflect the quality of the
product? What brand name is going to be used and does this convey any
sort of quality perception.
Structure of a cause and effect (fishbone)
Category of causes
Category of causes
Category of causes
Principle cause
Principle cause
Detailed causes
Detailed causes
Detailed causes
Root effect arrow
Principle cause
Principle cause
Principle cause
Detailed causes
Principle cause
Detailed causes
Category of causes
Principle cause
Principal cause
Detailed causes
Principle cause
Detailed causes
Category of causes
Category of causes
Root cause
5Whys: an effective problem-solving
technique – example 1
 Why is our client, unhappy?
Because we did not deliver our services when we said we would.
 Why were we unable to meet the agreed-upon timeline or schedule for delivery?
The job took much longer than we thought it would.
 Why did it take so much longer?
Because we underestimated the complexity of the job.
 Why did we underestimate the complexity of the job?
Because we made a quick estimate of the time needed to complete it, and
did not list the individual stages needed to complete the project.
 Why didn’t we do this?
Because we were running behind on other projects. We clearly need to
review our time estimation and specification procedures.
Link the fishbone to 5 Whys ?
6. Establish which are the most likely causes. Circle these and
develop them further by asking 5 Whys to reach root cause
Root Cause
7. Substantiate each “Why” step with real data to confirm. This
may take some time depending on data availability but will
prove to be entirely worthwhile in resolving any doubt within
or external to the team and in justifying possible
8. Agree corrective actions and begin trials.
In this assignment, you are to write a research report of a comparative study on
the operation management practices of two supermarkets, Sainsbury’s (Foss
Bank, YO31 7JB) and ASDA (77 Layerthorpe, YO31 7UZ). You will need to
include the following discussions in the report.
Remarks: You should visit both supermarkets to complete the evaluation tasks.
You should include relevant literature to support your
Task 1
What are the major differences in operation management practices between
these two supermarkets? You will need to consider the key aspects of operation
topics such as layout and flow, process management (draw process mapping
of one selected product), inventory management, and lean management. You
only need to focus on two selected aspects in your discussion.
[35 marks]
Task 2
Analyse and discuss the differences in operation strategies between the two
supermarkets, and how their operations strategies influence the operation
settings of both supermarkets.
[25 marks]
Task 3
The managers of both supermarkets would like to implement quality
management techniques to improve the operations. Select one of the
supermarkets (either Sainsbury’s or ASDA) and discuss the feasibility and
potential benefits of applying the following quality management techniques.
You only need to focus on two selected quality management techniques in your

Gap analysis
Statistical process control
David Garvin’s 8 quality dimensions
5 why’s 6,7
[40 marks]

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