University of South Florida COVID 19 Pandemic Articles Analysis Paper Like I wrote in the Announcement, we’re going to spend the nest month in the pandemic world, both contemporary and past. It’ll be fun! I want us to use the critical reading and writing skills we are learning to really get into this pandemic. You’ll be doing a lot of reflecting, with the hope that your final paper can turn into a cultural essay about COVID-19 you’ll find on the link below. This site’s work has been amazing over the last month. You can read about the pandemic’s impact on sports, dating, nature, animals, hobbies, etc. There’s some super good stuff here. (Links to an external site.)By MONDAY midnight (everything throughout the semester will be done Sunday midnight) send me 500 words (combined) on 2 of these articles/essays on this site, and 250 words on another essay/podcast/YouTube essay (anything!!!), whatever that interests you. I want 50% analysis and 50% personal reflection for each. So you feel comfortable writing whatever you want, these are not discussion posts, they go straight to me.