Graham Kapowsin High School Discovery of DNA Timeline #1 This assignment is an introductory assignment to Unit 1. It is designed to get you to think about the many ways that energy flows through ecosystems. To complete this assignment, download the assignment file (click here) and complete it in Notability. When you are finished, save your work and upload the file here on Canvas. The document for this is attached as unit ! science Prob.
# 2
Who played a role in our modern understanding of the structure of DNA?
This assignment is designed to teach you a little about the history behind our discovery of the structure of DNA, as well as those who contributed research and countless hours to this endeavor.
Begin by downloading this file right here, completing it in Notability, and then uploading it here when finished.
Your timeline must have at least 5 events on it. Each event must include the researcher’s name, what they did or discovered, and the year.
While we are not in a class setting, you can work with a classmate to create the timeline. Each student must turn in their own assignment though.
Use your textbook (eBook pg 84) and put the timeline at the bottom of the first page or add a page to the document.THIS DOCUMENT FOR THIS ASSIGNEMNT IS ATTACHED AS U3+M11 launch