ECON 3340 Dalhousie University Human Resource Economics Questions this is a assignment, its include 4 question, i think it should be finished in one hour E

ECON 3340 Dalhousie University Human Resource Economics Questions this is a assignment, its include 4 question, i think it should be finished in one hour Economics 3340 – Human Resource Economics
Winter 2020
Assignment One
Due Date: Wednesday May 29th, 2020 by 11:30 pm.
Submission: “Assignment One” Dropbox on BrightSpace
Answer each of the following questions.
1. Collect some basic labour market statistics from the most recent Labour Force Survey at Create a table using the structure below and evaluate the recent
labour market performance. (If you are having difficulty finding the data, try searching on table 2820087 in the search box on the main page.)
March 2020
April 2020
Labour Force
Unemployment Rate
Participation rate
2. Explain the difference between “Demand Pull” and “Cost Push” inflation. Be sure to use graphs in
your explanation. (For this question there is some class notes on this topic in Bright Space under
ContentClass NotesCost Push vs Demand Pull Inflation. DO NOT COPY THIS CLASS NOTE word for
word. Paraphrase it – write it in your own words.)
3. Explain why the unemployment rate in the United States is almost always lower than the Canadian
unemployment rate. (To practice for exam questions and your term paper make sure you include
the definition of the unemployment rate. Remember that to get the best mark possible you must
show your knowledge. In order to explain the statistical differences between the countries is helps
to explain the unemployment rate.)
4. The final question is to help you get used to researching topics on-line. In the May 20th lecture, we
discussed several economic events in the 20th Century from a Canadian perspective. You must find a
short article on one of these events. The choice of event is up to you. Provide a bibliographical
reference and a two-sentence summary.
Good Luck.

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