
ENG 102 College of Philadelphia How Can Working Parents Be Happier & Avoid Divorce Research Paper First, No COPY FROM INTERNET INTRUCTIONS: I already did

ENG 102 College of Philadelphia How Can Working Parents Be Happier & Avoid Divorce Research Paper First, No COPY FROM INTERNET


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English 102
Research Paper
December 10, 2019
How Can Working Parents Can Be Happier and Avoid Divorce?
Most people often wonder what can be done to enjoy a lifetime of happiness without
compromising their professional ambitions and desire to be successful. People who are always
pressured to control his or daily routines must wonder what it takes to be free from the stress of
household chores and the demands ADD more illustration within this? What does it look
like?. For example, working mothers spend an average of 24 hours per week for completing
different types of housework and are expected to contribute at least one-third of household
income. ( CHANGE this for other information or stronger argument. Something that
connects the entire introduction). The challenges of maintaining a work-life balance are even
higher for working parents, especially first-timers, due to the increased emotional and physical
responsibilities of caring for their children and spouses. In most cases, most single parents
neglect their spousal duties and experience relationship issues that lead to separation and
subsequent divorce. In an era where divorce is the preferred option for many couples, the
pressures of balancing parenting with work responsibilities have contributed to the increased
number of single parents in our society. In other words, what are the measures for helping
working parents to be happier and avoid divorce? Working parents can be happier by reducing
stress, managing their responsibilities and time, adopting a flexible work schedule, and quality
Alfonseca 2
Add a ing verb before the last two words. For example, all have a ing before: reducing
stress. Managing their responsibilities and time, adopting a flexible work schedule, and —quality childcare. Note : Make the introduction more interesting that the professor said
waooo amazing .
Historically, employment in various sectors of the economy has provided the
socioeconomic resources that parents need to cater for the additional responsibilities of raising
their children and other dependents. It is one of the reasons why a higher number of young
women are choosing to keep their jobs as they raise their children instead of the traditional
method of the taking a break from employment until the kids are older. Also, the decision is
based on the changes in the economic environment where the income from one partner is no
longer adequate to meet the added responsibility of raising children. In Happiness before and
after the kids, Mikko and Margolis claimed that “women with more socioeconomic resources
have less steep post-birth dips in life satisfaction than those with fewer resources.” They further
added that the situation is different for” parents with less education and income” because of how
the lack of social resources result in “higher rates of post-birth depression,” which reduces their
potential to be happy (1851). The implication of this outcome is that low-income parents would
need to get employed or engage in activities that provide the socioeconomic resources that would
make them comfortable. A personal example that can be used to support the findings from this
study is how a relative suffered from several bouts of depression after she lost her temporary
employment after childbirth. Add more details, analysis of the example connect it with the
point. An additional aspect of the reason why most parents work is that the income can help
them to improve their health and wellbeing, which are critical elements of their capacity to raise
their children appropriately. Therefore, parenting does not reduce the need for the income and
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resources that it can provide but increase the responsibility that working parents must perform to
achieve happiness. Work and more choose . more clear and precise.
Meanwhile, the responsibilities of childcare increase the potential of women to
experience stressors that could make them unhappy and affect their relationship with their
partners. It is an occurrence that can be used to explain the relationship between happiness and
the potential of a working parent can experience divorce. elimminate passive voice Also, this
aspect of the issue highlights the disparities in the negative consequences of combining
workplace duties with the responsibilities of raising children in this economic era. In Life course
transitions and housework, Baxter, Hewitt, and Haynes stated that “for women, the increase in
housework time following parenthood will likely be in addition to increased hours devoted to
childcare. It is possible that the birth of a child also leads to increased hours for men on childcare
and in paid employment as opposed to housework” (270). The scholars further added that their
results suggest that the transition to parenthood is a critical moment in the development of an
unequal gap in time spent on routine household labor (Baxter et al. 271). Although working men
might be exposed to the emotional and physical challenges at work as women, the need for their
female colleagues to care for their family makes the transition to parent different for each gender.
Also, the evidence from the studies on the factors that are responsible for the potential of
working parents to experience the stressors that contribute to the level of unhappiness that might
exist in their lives is the changes in their participation in the labor systems of their societies. As a
result, there is gender disparity in the factors that increase the level of stress that working parents
are exposed despite the minimal differences in their level of responsibilities. Work on clarity
and illustration
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In spite of the challenges that the efforts to balance the responsibilities of childcare and
work duties place on these parents, working mothers and fathers can enjoy happiness if they
manage their time by adopting flexible schedules at home and work. It is a perspective that is
based on how the reduction in the number of physical and emotional activities that these parents
engage in as part of their daily routines at home. One of the ways that this can be accomplished
is for young parents with childcare responsibility to utilize part of their income to outsource part
of their domestic work to others who are exposed to the same level of work pressures that they
encounter and capable of performing these household duties effectively. In the article, “Buying
Time Promotes Happiness,” Whillans et al. found from their experiment that “people felt less
end-of-day time pressure when they purchased time-saving services, which explained their
improved mood that day” (8524). The result provides the evidence to show that working parents
can use the income from the performance of their work duties to purchase the time that can
contribute to increased happiness by paying for domestic work. For example, a working family
can hire a part-time domestic worker who cleans the house when a member of the household is
available to reduce the pressure on the mother or father to do the same after work. In this regard,
the couples would more time for social interactions within their home and reduce their potential
to engage in disagreements due to unmet needs that lead to separation and divorces. In other
words, there is empirical evidence that supports the perspective that working parents can be
happier and avoid divorce by managing their time and maintain flexible work schedules at home
and work.
Furthermore, working parents can use effective management of their time and financial
resources to improve the quality of childcare and enjoy the associated benefits of doing so.
Working parents who are concerned with the quality of attention and care towards to their
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children within or outside their households can use the outsourcing of some aspects of
housework to others to resolve this concern. Similarly, the observation of different parents in our
community showed that working parents who experience a lower incidence of pressures at home
and in the workplace care for their children better than their highly stressed counterparts. Also,
the positive impact of the outsourcing of domestic work on the family system provides another
evidence to illustrate how working parents can avoid divorce through the quality of care that
their children receive. Liat Raz-Yurovich claimed in his article that the decision of the German
government to “enact a series of large-scale schemes that provided incentives to households to
outsource their domestic work as part of measures to increase the fertility rate of women in the
1990s” (402). Also, provides rationale for the position on the relationship between reduced
workloads and quality of childcare and level of happiness in the home. Interestingly, the birth of
second children did not affect the potential of men to earn income as the evidence showed that
there were no significant changes in the time that working fathers used to perform their job
duties and engage in housework. Therefore, the desire of working parents to ensure that their
children receive quality care and the level of happiness that results from this knowledge can be
accomplished through the effective management of their time and income, including the
outsourcing of domestic work.
Lastly, the reduced level of stress that results from effective management of work-life
responsibilities would contribute to the level of happiness that working parents enjoy and reduce
their potential for a divorce. The availability of time for social interactions between couples
within and outside the home is considered as one of the risk factors for unhappiness and divorce.
In contrast, the availability of time and financial resources will allow working parents to spend
quality time with their spouses. As Anna Miller stated in her article, “some of those factors,
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including ethnic background and socioeconomic status, are beyond a couple’s control. But, say,
psychologists, there are many behaviors, such as how a couple of talks and fights and even the
type of dates they go on, that can be learned and practiced — and can give a pair a fighting
chance at ’til death do they part” (“Can this Marriage be Saved?”). The implication of the
findings from the body of knowledge on the subject is that couples who are experiencing
challenges in their marriages can use their capacity to manage their time and resources
effectively to eliminate some of the factors that are responsible for the high rate of divorce in the
United States. For example, working mothers can take engage in beauty routines and physical
exercises that make them look more attractive to their spouses when they are less pressured to
combine childcare and other domestic work with their workplace duties. Be more illustrate As
a result, the increased amount of time that working parents derive from the modification of their
schedules for housework and job duties would assist working parents in engaging in activities
that contribute to their happiness and increased capacity to meet the expectations of their partners
regarding relationship and avoid divorce. Break down the sentence because is too long and
connect it with the main idea of the paragraph
In conclusion, working parents can be happier by reducing stress, managing their
responsibilities and time, adopting a flexible work schedule, and quality childcare. Restate the
thesis because says the same as the thesis above. Said it other word. Currently, an increasing
number of parents are engaging in various forms of employment arrangements that are timeconsuming and increase the pressure to maintain a work-life balance. Also, the income that is
generated from these jobs assists these parents to contribute their quota of the household
resources for caring for the children and other dependents. The imperatives for work increase the
potential of working parents to become unhappy and increase their chances of getting divorces.
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However, the analysis of the body of knowledge on the relationship between parenting, work,
and happiness revealed measures that working can use to be happier and avoid divorce. One of
the strategies that working parents can use is to devise realistic methods for managing housework
time and workplace responsibilities and adopt flexible work schedules. Similarly, the evidence
from the various scientific investigation showed that part of the income from employment could
be used to outsource domestic work to reduce the stressors that result from engaging in them and
the constant state of unhappiness that could lead to a divorce. Also, the evidence showed that the
additional available time for couples’ social and physical interactions increases their level of
happiness and reduce the potential for divorce both in the short-and long-term perspectives. The
children of the household also benefit from the income that is derived from the jobs of their
parents due to better quality care and the existence of both parents at various stages of their lives.
All in all, working parents regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, can buy happiness
with as little as the minimum wage and live happily ever after with the partners. You can divide
the conclusion in two parts as long make sense and make it more precise and illustrate
Alfonseca 8
Works Cited
Baxter, Janeen, et al. “Life Course Transitions and Housework: Marriage, Parenthood, and Time
on Housework.” Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 70, no. 2, 2008, pp. 259–
272. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/40056272.
Miller, Anna. “Can This Marriage Be Saved?” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological
Association, Apr. 2013, www.apa.org/monitor/2013/04/marriage.
Myrskylä, Mikko, and Rachel Margolis. “Happiness: Before and After the Kids.” Demography,
vol. 51, no. 5, 2014, pp. 1843–1866. ProQuest www.jstor.org/stable/43697486.
Raz-Yurovich, Liat. “Outsourcing of Housework and the Transition to a Second Birth in
Germany.” Population Research and Policy Review, Academia, 21 Sept. 2015,
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Whillans, Ashley V., et al. “Buying Time Promotes Happiness.” PNAS, National Academy
of Sciences, 19 July 2017, www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/07/18/1706541114.

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