Alain University United Arab Emirates Project Management Paper Choose a multinational organization operating in the UAE, either has headquarters in the UAE

Alain University United Arab Emirates Project Management Paper Choose a multinational organization operating in the UAE, either has headquarters in the UAE or just a branch in the UAE. The chosen organization has to meet the Global Project Management Framework (GPMF). I choosed (ADIB) Abu Ahabi Islamic Bank You job is to document and analyze each aspect of the GPMF, then provide an analysis performance for the organization regarding its Global Project Management. Hello class! Since we were unable to use the meta-analysis software to make a forest plot figure and
calculate effect sizes, we are having to adjust. Below is an example of what the stats analyses parts of
your methods and your results might look like. Please keep in mind all of this data is made up. I only
included data for 2 example studies (see below) but wrote the results section like there were 10 studies.
You can use this as a guide for your own manuscript and table. Let me know if you have any questions.
Statistical Analyses
All original data (mean ± SD) is presented in Table 1. Studies with statistical significance based on
original article reporting were denoted by a symbol. Investigators calculated Cohen’s d effect sizes for all
data comparison groups versus control conditions. An overall effect size was calculated for all studies
combined. Effect sizes were also calculated based on the moderators of long term and short term
Carbohydrate ingestion intervention resulted in faster running performance in 6 of the 10 studies (Table
1). The average overall effect size for all studies combined was 0.34 and included 432 participants.
However, only 1 of the studies (Dzryzoski, 2000) during the short term intervention resulted in a
significant difference and none of the short term intervention studies resulted in an effect size greater than
0.20. The average effect size for short term intervention studies was 0.12, and the average effect size for
long term intervention studies was 0.49.
Table 1. Review of carbohydrate intervention running studies that fit inclusion criteria from systematic review.
M = 20, F =16
CON = normal diet for 8 weeks
CON = 41 ± 3 min†
Jones 2007A
INT = ↑ carbohydrate by 100 g/day
INT = 39 ± 3 min
VO2max = 58 ± 4 ml/kg/min
10-km running time trial
M = 12, F =12
CON = normal diet for 1 week
CON = 16 ± 1 min
Smith 2003B
INT = ↑ carbohydrate by 200 g/day
INT = 16 ± 1 min
VO2max = 67 ± 3 ml/kg/min
5-km running time trial
CON = control treatment; INT = carbohydrate intervention treatment; d = Cohen’s d effect size;

= p < 0.05 as reported by original study results. A = Moderator group for long term (> 2 weeks) carbohydrate ingestion treatment study.
= Moderator group for long term (< 2 weeks) carbohydrate ingestion treatment study. Purchase answer to see full attachment

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