Harvard University Business Model Innovation For Growth and Renewal Essay Your task
One way for a business to improve its competitive advantage is to innovate its core business model. Drawing on research and examples, explain the concept of a business model and how processes of innovation and entrepreneurship can help a business improve its competitive market position.
Essay Notes:
This is a research assignment, so we want you to use academic resources from tools like the library databases to do your research and find credible academic sources to support your argument. These academic sources are likely to provide you with what you need for the theoretical components of your essay.
You might use non-academic or popular press sources to help you to find evidence and examples to illustrate the points that you make in your essay.
Your essay must use at least 5 sources (ideally more), and at least 3 of your minimum 5 sources must be from academic sources.
The minimum five sources required for this assignment are IN ADDITION TO the resources we provide you in this course.
Finding your Sources
Some appropriate library databases for your academic research sources include (but are not limited to):
Business Source Premier
Google Scholar (Use the library access to avoid paying for articles found through this source)
Emerald Insight
Australia and New Zealand Reference Centre
ProQuest Business Databases
Structure of your essay
You must use an academic essay format.
This should include:
an introduction
two to three body paragraphs
a conclusion
Your essay must include both in-text citations and a reference list.
Note: your essay should not include headings.
Word Limit
The word limit for the essay is 1000 words. You can be 10% on either side of the word limit, but no more or less. This includes your in-text citations but not your APA formatted reference list. Your reference list is additional.
Due Date: Wednesday 15th April at 9am.
Your assignment will need to be submitted online TO CANVAS (not Turnitin). Some of the complexities that we are navigating this semester mean that assignments will be submitted to Canvas. You will still be able to view your similarity report once you have submitted to Canvas.
We will provide you with more information about how to submit your work closer to the deadline.
Formatting Your Assignment
Please ensure your assignment has the following formatting:
Saved and submitted as a WORD document
Font – Times Roman or Arial
Font Size – 12
Double spacing
Margins justified or aligned left
Page numbers in the footer of your document
Your name and ID number in the header of your document
Reference list at the end of your document should start on a new page
Your reference list should be in alphabetical order (by author’s surname), and should not be numbered or include any bullet points.
All hyperlinks in your assignment should be disabled
Any numbers in your essay from 1-10 should be written as a word. Numbers 10+ can be written as numbers.
All citations and references must be in APA format (please use APA 7th edition – refer to Quickcite https://www.cite.auck 4:12
..10 4G
Individual Written
(Research Essay)
Your task
One way for a business to improve its
competitive advantage is to innovate its core
business model. Drawing on research and
examples, explain the concept of a business
model and how processes of innovation and
entrepreneurship can help a business improve
its competitive market position.
Essay Notes:
This is a research assignment, so we want you
to use academic resources from tools like the
library databases to do your research and find
credible academic sources to support your
argument. These academic sources are likely
to provide you with what you need for the
theoretical components of your essay.
You might use non-academic or popular press
sources to help you to find evidence and
examples to illustrate the points that you make
in your essay.
11 4G
credible academic sources to support your
argument. These academic sources are likely
to provide you with what you need for the
theoretical components of your essay.
You might use non-academic or popular press
sources to help you to find evidence and
examples to illustrate the points that you make
in your essay.
Your essay must use at least 5 sources (ideally
more), and at least 3 of your minimum 5
sources must be from academic sources.
The minimum five sources required for this
assignment are IN ADDITION TO the
resources we provide you in this course.
A reminder: the Key Differences Between
Academic and Popular Press Sources
Academic sources:
Popular Press
Are written by
researchers and are
therefore based on
expert research, facts
and figures.
Tend to be more
May be based on
ljournalism, but are
Are peer reviewed by
other experts in the
.111 4G
Structure of your essay
You must use an academic essay format.
This should include:
• an introduction
• two to three body paragraphs
• a conclusion
• Your essay must include both in-text citations
and a reference list.
Note: your essay should not include headings.
Word Limit
The word limit for the essay is 1000 words.
You can be 10% on either side of the word
limit, but no more or less. This includes your in-
text citations but not your APA formatted
reference list. Your reference list is additional.
Due Date: Wednesday 15th April at
Your assignment will need to be submitted
online TO CANVAS (not Turnitin). Some of the
complexities that we are navigating this
semester mean that assignments will be
submitted to Canvas. You will still be able to
view your similarity report once you have
submitted to Canvas.
We will provide you with more information
.111 4G
Formatting Your Assignment
Please ensure your assignment has the
following formatting:
• Saved and submitted as a WORD
• Font – Times Roman or Arial
• Font Size – 12
• Double spacing
Margins justified or aligned left
• Page numbers in the footer of your
• Your name and ID number in the header of
your document
• Reference list at the end of your document
should start on a new page
• Your reference list should be in
alphabetical order (by author’s surname),
and should not be numbered or include any
bullet points.
• All hyperlinks in your assignment should be
• Any numbers in your essay from 1-10
should be written as a word. Numbers 10+
can be written as numbers.
• All citations and references must be in APA
format (please use APA 7th edition – refer
to Quickcite
> select APA 7th for correct formatting)
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