Ashford University Hinduism Religion Discussion I have 2 parts discussion to do with responding to 2 students First part Question 1- As noted at the b

Ashford University Hinduism Religion Discussion I have 2 parts discussion to do with responding to 2 students

First part

Question 1-

As noted at the beginning of the lecture and briefly in this week’s overview video, Hinduism represents a sharp departure from our own Western culture and religious understanding. This first question is for you to note the things that were confusing in the first reading assignment. Were there concepts that you didn’t understand? How does the culture of India and Hinduism relate to one another?

Second part

Question 2-

A main, foundational teaching in Hinduism is that people are looking to break free from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth that we call reincarnation. Interestingly, many people in the West (non-Hindus) speak of reincarnation lightly or fondly. There are people who believe in reincarnation and find it to be a good thing, or who sort of joke about reincarnation. Why, from the Hindu perspective, might reincarnation be a bad thing? Why do people pursue their religious beliefs and practices in order to achieve moksha?

the book link if needed

or The Smallest Final Ever!
Create your own copy of this document.
Option 1: Adapt an existing sacrament or ritual for “life in the time of corona”.
Option 2: Create a new sacrament or ritual that directly responds to illness and quarantine.
Block B, Tuesday May 26
Blocks D, F, and G Wednesday May 27
“God is not bound by the sacraments,” he said. “God gives us tangible signs and effective signs,
but God is not locked into that.” – St. Thomas Aquinas
Step 1:
Considering the physical restrictions of this time, how do we still attend to the spiritual and
emotional needs of our communities? How do we continue to offer “outward signs of interior
Complete this grid with information about either your adaptation of an already existing
sacrament or ritual or with information about a new sacrament or ritual that is in direct response
to COVID-19 and/or quarantine.
Name of
Objects and
Step 2: Justification and Reflection (200 words)
and Words
For option 1: Why is it important to you that this sacrament be adapted? Why is it important to
continue to celebrate this particular sacrament or ritual? How did you select your adaptations?
For option 2: Why is it important to you to mark this type of moment or occasion now? Why
would this celebration add to the community? How did you select each of your elements?

Purchase answer to see full

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