1A- They are both equally bad, either way you lose. To start, a false positive is as the text says in the most simplest terms, the bad ones we let
in. This is not good, hiring someone you think will get the job done, but is somehow incapable of doing so. This means you have mostly wasted your
time, in hiring and training that employee. This means in a loss of money, which is never good for a company. It is like letting a wolf dressed in
sheep clothing into your herd of sheep. The wolf kills the sheep, which is not what you wanted. This also can be vice versa. A false negative from
the book in simple terms, is the good ones we let get away. It is the opposite of false positives, and can also hurt the company. Hiring someone
that would be successful is a great asset to your company, but if you do not hire them because you let them slip away, you lose out on the asset
you would have gained. Making the extra push, and taking the extra time to verify it is the right decision to reduce the false negatives and
reducing the false positives. Not skipping out on the extra effort when going through the criteria and evaluating each personnel decision.
2A- Skill acquisition is the process by which individuals acquire declarative and procedural knowledge. The 3 phases of skill acquisition are:
declarative knowledge, knowledge compilation, and procedural knowledge. The declerative knowledge phase is the basic knowledge of facts and
things. it is based on memorizing and reasoning, such as a list of procedures, like before using a helmet, check for anything broken, then proceed
to properly turn on equipment. After that is the knowledge compilation, which is the knowledge acquired as a result of learning. Most commnonly
named ‘forming habits.’ This phase is when things start to become more fast, and you start forming the habit. The last phase is procedural
knowledge. This phase consists of knowledge about how to use information to address issues and solve problems. This is from long term use of the
procedure just used, you form habits and you dont need to think about each stage indiviudally. An example of this is you grab your safety helmet,
and check for defects while walking to your station and putting it on your head, right before you start the machine all while talking to your
Respond for each one of the answer what do you think do you agree or disagree and why? one paragraph is good for each one.
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