“Intelligence in an Age of Insecure World” By Peter Gill and Mark Phythian-


1. There are various definitions of what intelligence is. Provide two definitions of
intelligence. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each definition.

2. What is open source intelligence? Critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
open source intelligence.

3. Information is the foundation of intelligence. Describe three methods by which
intelligence analysts’ access information including any strengths or weaknesses in
each method. For example one method of intelligence collection is Imagery
Intelligence (IMINT).

4. The intelligence cycle is used to describe how intelligence is produced. Detail and
explain each step in the intelligence cycle.

5. What is the “universe of data”? Why do intelligence analysts need to understand the
universe of data” concept?

6. Why does intelligence fail? Discuss in detail the various factors that contribute to
intelligence failure.

7. Evaluation of information and sources is critical to the production of intelligence.
Explain in detail how sources and information are evaluated. Why is it important to
consider source and information independent of each other?

8. Describe the intelligence cycle. Explain the function of each step in the cycle.
Critically discuss the relevance of the intelligence cycle to contemporary intelligence

9. Warner (2002) defines intelligence as, “intelligence is secret, state activity to
understand or influence foreign entities”. Critically discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of this definition.

10. You are an intelligence analyst working in the department of environment protection
in your local region. Your boss walked in this morning and told you that he needs to
know if and how the introduction of a carbon tax might provide opportunity for
criminal exploitation over the coming 12 months. Describe how you would solve this
problem. Consider the type of data needed and where and how you might access
that data.

11. Intelligence analysis is a largely an intellectual function. The primary function of
intelligence analysts is to support decision makers through the provision of accurate
and timely intelligence products. Describe and discuss five essential qualities
required of an intelligence analyst.

12. Evaluation of information and sources is critical to the production of intelligence.
Explain why? Then describe in detail how sources and information are evaluated.
13. You are an intelligence analyst working in a government department responsible for
managing fisheries in your local region. Your boss walked in this morning and told
you that he needs to know how fisheries crime is likely to change over the coming 12
months. Draft a plan to undertake this task. Identify a range of information sources
that might be exploited and why.

14. Describe what a tactical intelligence product is. How is it different from a strategic

15. Information is the basic ingredient from which intelligence is developed. Discuss
how the intelligence analyst accesses information within the context of a universe of

16. Intelligence analysis is a largely intellectual function. Describe and discuss the
essential qualities required of an intelligence analyst.

17. What is the purpose of information and source evaluation? Explain in detail how
sources and information are evaluated. Second explain the value of good evaluation.

18. Explain in your own words the process of intelligence analysis.

19. What are the characteristics of a good intelligence analyst? Of those characteristics
which is most important and why?

20. Open source intelligence has in the view of some made many of the traditional forms
of information collection obsolete. Is this true?

21. Define intelligence. Discuss the significance of secrecy in defining intelligence.

22. Describe how the practice of intelligence has changed over the last 20 years. What
factors have contributed to that change and why?

23. Evaluation of information and sources is critical to the production of intelligence.
Explain in detail how sources and information are evaluated. Why is it important to
consider source and information independent of each other?

24. Describe the intelligence cycle. Discuss in detail the individual elements. Does the
intelligence cycle remain relevant today?

25. Intelligence sometimes fails, explain why this may happen?

26. What agencies make up the Australian Intelligence Community? Explain the purpose
and function of each agency.

27. What is intelligence dissemination? How is intelligence dissemination evolving?

28. Human intelligence (humint) has a number of strengths and weaknesses, discuss

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