ISO Standards and Excellence – Assessment 2

(Written Report –
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome 02: Evaluate an organisation’s Quality Management System
Learning Outcome 03: Propose an ISO Quality Management certification plan for an organisation.
Project Guidelines:
1.    you are required to write a report after completing the tasks given below.
Task Instructions:
You have to search for an organization that implements ISO 9001:2008 and look for one of their Departments Quality Manual in order to accomplish the required tasks.
You should use ISO9001:2008 QMS Requirements Document
To finish the project you have to use these two documents together with additional research and submit the results of your work in a comprehensive report format. See final page for report format guidelines.
1. Identify the selected Department Quality Policy and compare it with the ISO9001:2008 requirements. (20 marks)
a. Write out the selected Department Quality Policy.
b. Comment on how well it meets the requirements of the standard and highlight any areas that are missing.
c. Write a new Quality Policy for selected Department following the ISO 9001:2008 requirements.

2. Identify the selected Department Quality Objectives. (20 marks)
a. Write out TWO of the selected Department Quality Objectives.
b. Comment on how SMART each objective is and if the objective meet the ISO 9001:2008 requirements.
c. Write/rewrite TWO new SMART Quality Objectives for the selected Department.
3.    Using one of the processes in the Selected Department Quality Manual, highlight at least TWO different key processes that are required to follow by employees. (15 marks) 
a. For each process, write out the Policy Statement – in your own words.
b. For each process, draw a Process Map using the conventions used in class.
c. For each process, comment on how well you feel that the processes are followed by all employees.
4.    Choose ONE of your two processes and redesign the process to better suit the customer. (15 marks)
a.    Write/rewrite the new Policy Statement.
b.    Write down the new steps that should be followed.
c.    Draw the new Process Map using the conventions used in class and showing all 
the steps, decision points, inputs and outputs.
d.    Explain why you feel that your new proposed process will better suit the 
5.    Provide guidelines for an organisation who want to apply for the ISO9000 certification. (15 marks)
a.    Identify and explain each of the steps that must be taken by the organisation to achieve certification.
b.    Provide advice to the organisation for choosing their accreditation body.
c.    Explain what training will be needed in the organization as part of this process.
Report Guidelines (15 marks)
The report should be professional style, approximately 2000 to 2500 words and should
Include the following:
Cover page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Main Body – each part of the task in one paragraph with a heading, Conclusion & Works Cited.
Language, Report Formatting and Referencing
Use concise and correct English vocabulary and grammar – IELTS level 6. Use APA 6th Ed. format for referencing – in-text citations required.

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