Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Widely Used Quantitative Measure


Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Widely Used Quantitative Measure

This coursework assignment is about scientific research methods (e.g., designs and procedures) and the application of these methods to the educational setting. It is designed to develop skills for: 1) critically evaluating published research and 2) conceptualizing and designing a research study to address a specific question.

This assignment is about Reliability and Validity. It has three (3) parts. I will upload the requirements for the 3 different parts with detailed instructions for each part. I will also upload an overview of the required coursework outcome and lessons that will have lecture slides and transcripts. reading and reviewing these will help you get a better understanding and concept for the two (2) assigned article readings that are used in the assignment.

Part 1 of Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Widely Used Quantitative Measure:

In Part 1 of this assignment, you will read the original Crowne and Marlowe (1960) article, and evaluate the reliability and validity evidence for the SDS measure. You will use a scoring sheet provided below to complete two steps:

1.) Evaluate the reliability of the SDS. As a reminder, if a scale is not reliable, it cannot be valid.
2.) Evaluate the reported validity evidence. Remember that validity evidence is accumulated—there is no single test that can be run to definitively establish the validity of a measure. Thus, you have to make a reasoned decision if the pattern of associations of the SDS with other measures supports the validity of the SDS.

As you go through the article, use the following worksheet to record your answers. You will turn in the completed sheet for a grade on this assignment.

Part 2 of Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Widely Used Quantitative Measure:

For part 2 of the assignment, review the following article:

Yuknis, C. (2014). A grounded theory of text revision processes used by young adolescents who are deaf. Exceptional Children, 80(3), 307-322.

Using only this article, look for indicators of reliability and validity. On the quiz, you will be asked true/false questions on the indicators listed below. Review the article and determine your answers before starting the quiz because you will need to complete the quiz in one sitting.

Listed below are three methods for maintaining reliability. Identify which of these the professor provided direct evidence of using:

– Data check
– Cross-checks
– External audit

Identify if there is any information given by the researcher on each of the following:

– The person
– The place or site they are studying
– The time they invest in data collecting
– The length of time of the study
– The particular context and culture of the study (situate the study)

Identify which methods were used by the researcher to protect against threats to internal validity:

– Triangulation
– Prolonged engagement
– Member checks/peer debriefing
– Constant comparative
– Deviant case analysis


Review the linked Yuknis article for the indicators of reliability and validity listed on this page.

Part 3 Evaluating Results of a Study Based on Reliability of Data

For part 3, you will need to answer one of the following two questions:

1.) Why might you not trust or not be confident about the results of a study if you become convinced that data in a study are not reliable (inconsistent)?
2.) Why would you not automatically trust or be confident about the results of a study if you knew that the data in a study were reliable (consistent)?

To receive full credit for this assignment, you should post the following:

Post a new thread that includes a short paragraph (three to four sentences) that answers one of the two prompts listed in the instructions.

*Again, I have uploaded each part with more detailed instruction in word documents as well as the overview and lessons with slides and transcripts with the two required article readings for your convenience.

Please only use the articles and uploaded slides for any type or reference.
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