Project Management EVM


Project Management EVM


Topic 1: Assess/Decide

By now you have been exposed to different abbreviations such as BAC, ETC and EAC in Earned Value Management. Are the Budget at Completion (BAC) and the Estimate at Completion (EAC) the same thing?

*At the project start, Budget at Completion equals Estimate at Completion — but that can change.
*Estimate at Completion and Estimate to Complete are the same thing.
*Each organization designs its own terms to describe what a project will cost.
*All projects vary, so after you budget costs estimate your accuracy with ETC.

1 Reference to use is:

PMI Community Post. Project Management Institute.

From the four choices above, choose and substantiate your position with cited reference.

Be sure to write your initial post according to APA format using citations/examples to substantiate your position and give credit to your references at the bottom of your post. Be sure to synthesize your analysis of the reading as a conclusion and then evaluate your synthesis. Remember that this is a Discussion, so keep your responses succinct and to the point. Respond to at least three of your colleagues.

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