Safeguard patient’s health record information
the topic is Safeguard patient health record information.
the research question is
How do we prevent confidentiality breach of patient’s health record’s information with regards to information transfer within the hospital (departments) or outside the hospital (research purpose, police , court)?
Follow the steps attached as you need to fill the forms provided and uploaded it within early one by one according to the steps and i will show it to my tutor to be approved , since it has been been approved i well let you know to get start ,
First form to fill the form of meeting the supervisor including the topic , Research question , literature review headings, and key outcome, Then upload the form once you finish as i have to show it to the tutor to be approved. upload it within 48 hourse from now.
Another form which includes some information and to be filled later after we got the approval of the first form.uploaded it end of next week after i give you the feedback for form 1
After the approval of the forms i will let you know to get start.
Do not start writing until i will let you know which based on the forms approval.
Do not worry for the time as the system gives 10 days maximum.
You must use Endnote for the referencing and require Australian references from Western Australia and do not use google please
Free of plagiarism
40 references are required.
APA style
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