Competitive Environment and Company Strategy

The final date for submission of this assessment without penalty is
9th March 2015
Assessment will be accepted for marking 14 days prior to the due date
Late Penalty System
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Submitting your Assignment
1. Assignments should be typed, 10 or 11 point font size (Times Roman or similar if
possible) double spaced with a 4 cm margin on the right side of the page with the
page size specified as UK A4. All pages must be numbered.
2. Assignments should be submitted in either Microsoft Office and/or PDF format (.doc,
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3. Assignments may be uploaded only once; substitutions are not permitted and students
should therefore ensure that the version uploaded is their final submission.
4. Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference
(SM/Student Number/Jan15/1) in all submitted assignments and that assignments
are paginated. Failure to do this may lead either to a grade not being assigned or being
wrongly assigned
5. If you are experiencing any difficulty in uploading your assignment to Blackboard, please
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WARNING: Once submitted no substitute assignments will be allowed
Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference (SM/Student
Number/Jan15/1) in all submitted assignments and that assignments are paginated. Failure to
do this may lead either to a grade not being assigned or being wrongly assignedSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Pre-Workshop Individual Assignment – Competitive Environment and Company
– 20% of Course Grade (1,000 words, 8 pages maximum)
NOTE: A pre-condition for attending the Strategic Management Workshop is the completion
of this individual assignment before the Workshop. To successfully complete this assignment
you need to review Sections 5 and 6 of the Course Manual; our Course text by R. Grant;
Unilever Cases A and B and a Euromonitor country report on Ice Cream. Reviewing these
materials ensures that you are well prepared and can contribute to the Workshop Group
Select a Competitive Environment (Manual Section 5) and a Company (Manual Section 6)
within that Competitive Environment.
The assignment has three components:
1. Provide background to your selected:
a. Competitive Environment
b. Company
2. Application of TWO DIFFERENT Competitive Environment concepts/approaches to:
a. One concept/approach on your selected Competitive Environment
b. One concept/approach on Ice Cream in a country of your choice
3. Application of TWO DIFFERENT Company Strategy concepts/approaches to:
a. One concept/approach on your selected company
b. One concept/approach on Unilever
Assignment Structure Guidelines
– 1,000 words maximum
– 8 pages maximum
– Cover sheet, contents page, bibliography are not part of word count or page length
– Labelled Diagrams and Tabulations are not part of your word count
– Appendix data is not wanted
Assignments significantly in excess of word count or page length guidelines will be
Assignment Format
1. Background to your selected Competitive Environment and Company
2. Application of ONE concept/approach to your selected Competitive Environment and
ONE concept/approach to your selected company
3. Application of ONE concept/approach to Unilever and ONE concept/approach on Ice
Cream in a country of your choice.
Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference (SM/Student
Number/Jan15/1) in all submitted assignments and that assignments are paginated. Failure to
do this may lead either to a grade not being assigned or being wrongly assigned

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