1. In your own words, describe what is meant by “Human Factors” AND “Human Error” as it applies to
2. Out of the “five hazardous attitudes” described in the book, which one of those do you find yourself displaying
the most often? Explain why you display this attitude and what you can do to lessen the negative impact that will have
on aviation safety. [5-points]
3. Your work performance can be affected by a number of different factors. For each of the factors listed below,
briefly describe what you can do to mitigate the negative effects each of those factors has on your performance. In
other words, what can you personally do to ensure that you are at your peak performance?[5-points each]
a. Physical or Physiological Factors
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b. Psychological Factors
c. Lack of knowledge or experience
d. Task saturation factors
4. In your own words, describe the eight (8) necessary components of Safety Management. [16-points]
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