Write a report on HRM practices in any organisation of your choice in Australia.

The major component of this assignment involves the following key steps:

Step 1: Make contact with an HR manger or senior manager from an organisation.

Step 2: Arrange to conduct an interview with the manager about HR activities.

Consideration might be given to the following aspects of HRM activities.

1. Approaches to HRM
2. The role of HR manager
3. General HRM activities
4. Strategic Environmental Analysis
5. Reinventing HRM
6. Recent changes in HRM
Step 3: Develop an interview schedule that can be used to interview manager. Questions might focus on issues given above.

Step 4: Conduct the interview with the manager. With the manager?s consent, and in order to facilitate more accurate data collection, the interview may be voice recorded and the interview data subsequently transcribed.

Step 5: Compile, tabulate and analyse the interview data.

Step 6: Discuss the results of the interview followed by a description of the manager comments; the main aim of the report should be to offer some critical analysis of the topics, based on the integration of the interview findings with the finding of the previous research.

Step 7: Students are expected to consider the managerial implications of the activities that are potential to add value to the organisation. What aspect of the activity and its usage are particularly improving the HRM?

Step 8: Write up the assignment in the form of report.

The subject coordinator may subsequently contact the manager who participated in the project and asked to provide some feedback on the interview and the project in general. To this end, the contact details of the manager need to be provided.

This is an individual assignment.The aim of which is to enable the students to learn about the HRM practices in the organisation by directly interviewing an HR Manager and use their HR knowledge to offer some evaluation of the HRM activities.


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