the significance of locale, criminality and sexuality in Damage Land: New Scottish Gothic Fiction (ed) Alan Bissett


the significance of locale, criminality and sexuality in Damage Land: New Scottish Gothic Fiction (ed) Alan Bissett
the literature NEEDS to be the primary source of analysis. That means the writer will have to read the collection of short stories. There is a limited amount of secondary material on the stories and so it will be very obvious if they are used. This needs to be an independent, unique, approach to the collection. The essay must use close reading skills to analyse the texts, that is, the importance of its symbolism, characterisation, narrative structure etc.

The themes to apply your close analysis to are in the title. Locale, criminality and sexuality. The essay comes from a course on modern scottish literature so theories should be applied concerning the reading of gothic texts. (some are named below for your consideration)
theory/theories MUST be applied of which you have to use the following:

The first chapter ‘the dead can sing’ i would avoid using too much because of the crass generalisations made in it from the editor.


introductions are not needed or wanted. that is, no introductions regarding authors or editor or long passages regarding the theories. this is primarily about a close reading of the text where you will use theories to determine how you approach that reading.
Some very useful Papers:
Robert Mighall’s (2003)A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History’s Nightmares,

Markman Ellis’ (2005) The History of Gothic Fiction

(this is a must use for this essay!) David Punter’s (2001) edition of essays, A Companion to the Gothic – of which –

Gothic Criticism by Chris Baldick and Robert Mighall

Psychoanalysis and the Gothic by Michelle A. Masse

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