

Time Sensitive! Please refer to upload/attached pages.Chapter 10: Exercises/Problems: #3 pp. 382 – 383
3.[Venture Capital Valuation Method] A venture capitalist wants to estimate the value of a new venture. The venture is

not expected to produce net income or earnings until the end of Year 5 when the net income is estimated at $1,600,000. A

publicly traded competitor or “comparable firm” has current earnings of $1,000,000 and a market capitalization value of


A. Estimate the value of the new venture at the end of Year 5. Show your answer using both the direct comparison method

and the direct capitalization method. What assumption are you making when using the current price-to-earning relationship

for the comparable firm?
B. Estimate the present value of the venture at the end of Year 0 if the venture capitalist wants a 40 percent annual

rate of return on the investment
Describe the process for estimating the percentage of equity ownership that must be given up by the founder when a new

equity investment is needed.

Chapter 11: Discussion Questions: #8, #9, #10, #12, and #15 p. 428

9.What is meant by the terms (a) capital call, (b) deal flow, and (c) due diligence?

What is meant by the terms (a) lead investor, (b) SLOR, and (c) term sheet?

Why should entrepreneurs care what pressures venture capitalists face in carrying out their professional money management

(intermediation) function?

Why do venture capitalists make quick decisions on the infeasibility of some business plans? When a business plan is not

quickly determined to be infeasible, what happens next and why?
Why are venture capital funds typically organized as limited partnerships? In particular, why are they private firms

instead of public firms?

Chapter 11: Interact Systems Mini Case: p. 430
MINI CASE: Interact Systems, Inc.

Interact Systems, Inc., has developed software tools that help hotel chains solve application integration problems.

Interact’s application integration server (AIS) provides a two-way interface between central reservations systems (CRS)

and property management systems (PMS). At least two important trends in the hotel industry are relevant. First, hotels

are shifting away from the manual booking of room reservations; electronic bookings will continue to increase as more

bookings are made over the Internet. Second, competitive pressures are forcing hotels to implement yield management

programs and to increase customer service. By integrating the CRS and PMS through Interact’s AIS, the company can better

manage inventories, improve yields, and enhance customer service.

All reservation traffic is routed from the CRS to individual hotel properties. This allows Interact Systems to create a

database that can be used to track customers and to facilitate marketing programs, such as frequent-stay or VIP programs,

as a way of increasing customer satisfaction. Interact forecasts application integration expenditures in the hospitality

industry to exceed $1 billion by 2012.

Greg Thomas founded Interact Systems in 2006 and developed the firm’s middleware software and hospitality applications.

He has twelve years of systems applications experience and currently is Interact’s chief technology officer. Eric

Westskow joined Interact in early 2009 as president and CEO. He had worked in sales and marketing in the software

industry for more than twenty years.

Interact Systems’ AIS software development, which began in 2006, went through several design changes in 2007. The first

product was sold and installed in 2005. Sales were only $500,000 in 2006. However, now that the firm has dependable

market-tested AIS products ready to be shipped, revenues are expected to reach $20.8 million in 2012.

Greg Thomas founded Interact Systems with $50,000 of his own savings plus $50,000 from friends. Two private investors

provided an additional $200,000 in 2007. In addition, $1 million was obtained from a venture capital firm, Katile Capital

Partners, in early 2009 in exchange for an equity position in Interact. The firm currently is seeking an additional $5

million to finance sales growth.

A. A VC is considering providing the additional $5 million. What type of fund (stage specialization, industry focus,

etc.) would you approach? In what part of their investing cycle would you hope to approach them?
B. Discuss how Interact Systems would expect to fare in the VC screening process involving each element of Figure 11.5.
C. Discuss typical issues that might be addressed in a term sheet using Figure 11.6 as a reference.

Figures can be seen in attachment . No Excel, please show work in simplest form.

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