Strategic Plan 3


Strategic Plan 3
Individual Strategic Plan Project
Section 3: Mission and Vision Assignment
So far, you have identified and described your individual strategic plan project organization. You have also conducted a SWOT Analysis to help understand the environment from which the organization operates. In this next assignment you will start to explore the future direction of the organization (see Sections V and VI of the Strategic Plan Outline). Toward this endpoint, section 3 of the strategic planning project will be to complete the Mission and Vision Statements Worksheet. By completing this worksheet, you will begin to define the organizational purpose of your HCO.
Sample Mission and Vision Statements
� used BayCare Alliant Hospital as the company.

Strategic Health Management and Planning
Strategic Plan Outline

I. Purpose

II. Analyzing the Environment: Environmental Analysis (Chapter 3)


III. Analyzing the Environment: Strengths and Weaknesses (Chapter 3)

A. Human

B. Facilities/Equipment

C. Financial

IV. Analyzing the Environment: Assumptions (Chapter 3)


V. Identifying Organizational Direction: Mission and Vision (Chapter 4)

VI. Identifying Organizational Direction: Strategies, Goals, and Objectives (Chapter 4)


VII. Strategy Formulation: Issues and Problems (Chapter 5)

A. Major:
B. Minor:
VIII. Strategy Formulation: Analysis (Chapter 5)


IX. Strategy Formulation: Alternative Solutions (Chapter 5)


X. Recommended Course of Action


The Strategic Plan for a Managed Care Clinic follows the above outline. The Department of Health and Human Services Strategic Plan is more complex and may be used as a reference.

Strategic Health Management and Planning
Mission and Vision Statements Worksheet
Name of HCO: ________________________
Mission Statement

1. Write a statement for the following areas:

a. Internal operations statement ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. External clientele statement ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Needs served statement ________________________________________________________________________

2. Now evaluate the statement.

Does it define boundaries within which your healthcare organization will operate? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does it define the need(s) that your HCO is attempting to meet? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does it reflect what kind of organization you need to be in order to achieve success in the future? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you intend to have local, regional, national or international scope? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does it define the market (patients/customers) that your HCO is reaching?
Has there been input from appropriate organizational members? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does it include the word �service� or a word with similar meaning? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Next, submit it to others familiar with your organization to evaluate your statement of purpose and offer suggestions on improving the statement. In other words, does the statement say to others what you want it to say? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vision Statement

1. Write statements which answer the following questions:

What do we want our organization to be like in the future? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What do we want to be known for in the future? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In what areas of our operation do we aspire to be the very best? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What do we want our employees to do in achieving the above? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Evaluate the vision statement.

Are the statements clearly phrased and understandable to all the HCO�s employees? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are the statements actively phrased in order to generate energy and enthusiasm within the organization? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Are the statements concise and memorable? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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