Environmental Issues


Who should be responsible for the environmental damage caused by fossil fuels?

The recent oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara has sparked public debate about oil drilling safety,
environmental damage and whether as a nation we should reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by
investing in clean energy and public transportation. Who should be responsible for the environmental
damage caused by fossil fuels? In what ways is the public subsidizing fuel companies? Should fuel
companies be subsidized?
In addition, make a connection to water pollution became more visible, and the efficient management of nature by humans

became more questionable.

Some possible resources:
Fossil Fuel Subsidized $10 million per Minute:

The High Cost of Dirty Fuel:

IMF Report on Global Energy Subsidies:

We are not asking you to simply summarize the readings or answer the questions above. We are asking
you to make your own coherent argument about the topic. Cite specific concepts, short quotes and
examples from the readings as evidence to support your own argument.
Your paper should be 1000-1200 words or about 3-4 pages. Remember that citations are required for
both paraphrasing and direct quotes from either the text or lecture. Feel free to cite other books and
articles as needed. Include a full list of works cited at the back.
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