English essay-Finding a common ground


English essay-Finding a common ground


Assignment: Choose a single, specific, recent invention in modern technology of which there is significant debate regarding its cultural impact. Topics must be sufficiently narrow as to allow detailed development of each side of the issue (for example: Facebook not the internet; the iphone not the cell phone; full-body scanners at the airport not post-911 security measures). You are welcome to check your topic with me as soon as you have decided. Choose wisely—this will also be the topic you work with in Essay #2 (so keep track of all sources that may prove useful). In order to complete this assignment with any degree of success, you will have to do considerable research. Do not simply go with the first two articles you locate; rather, survery as many potential sources as you can to identify the most promising material. The goal is to provide a thorough description of the topic, to explain in detail the beliefs and opinions of the opposing sides, and to find common ground that could serve to move the debate forward in productive ways. Your explanation must be clear, unambiguous, and unbiased. You are not to expose, explicitly or implicitly, your own thoughts or feelings on the controversy. Do not provide a product endorsement or critique; focus on the cultural implications of the technology.

Research: To provide a thorough, well-informed explanation of both sides of the issue, you will need to employ reputable sources. The textbook contains useful information on vetting sources. Articles should be of a sufficient complexity and depth, and they must cover some of the same core issues. Although they are not officially assigned until next week, know that Chapters 23 and 24 in the SMG contain crucial information on research and the MLA system of documentation. You need to understand when it is most useful to quote, paraphrase, or summarize. Proper MLA format will receive major consideration—I will be looking for smooth integration of quotes and correct attribution (please be mindful of punctuation). Your Works Cited page must include at least two entries from separate sources
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