Law potential remedy in promissory estoppel


Law potential remedy in promissory estoppel
Stropper Wallace was a professional rugby league football player who played for the Hammerheads professional football club. During a match early in the season Stropper injured his knee. The injury was such that if he were to have immediate surgery he would not have been able to resume playing for nearly the whole of the remainder of the season but would have been fit for both the preseason training and the season itself for the following year. An alternative was to resume playing after only three weeks and play out the current season with the benefit of pain killing injections and other therapy.

Stropper was not yet contracted to the Hammerheads club for the following season. Stropper was approached by his coach Barnum, and told that the Hammerheads club would give him a contract for the following season if he chose the second course and deferred surgery. Aware that he did not have many more years left in his career, Stropper was keen to take up the suggestion and resume playing through to the end of the season.

A week before the conclusion of the 20 week season Stropper was informed that the Hammerheads did not wish to retain him for the following season. He thereupon attempted to find another club with which to play for the following season. However because there was insufficient time available for him to recover from the operation on his knee to strengthen adequately for the season, his attempt to find another club proved unsuccessful. He claimed that his absence from the competition in that following season would mean that he had no recent track record on which a prospective club might be expected to engage him for subsequent years.

a) Assuming Barnum acted with the authority of the club, advise Stropper whether Hammerheads were obliged to give him a contract for the following year. (13 marks)

b) Did the Hammerheads revoke the offer prior to acceptance? (2 marks)

c) If Stropper did not provide consideration is there a potential remedy in promissory estoppel? (2 marks)



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