The Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS)


The Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) has a problem. As the population ages and live longer there is an increased demand for blood products. However those that are known to give blood on a regular basis are now reaching the age when they can no longer give blood/plasma/platelets. This now creates an emphasis on finding other donors to replace those that can no longer donate. To achieve this, the ARCBS have added to their strategic objectives the following statement: “ARCBS will also commission research to better understand the demographics and motivations of blood donors. Research and monitoring will give us a clearer understanding of the drivers for blood donors and the needs of existing and potential donors. This will enable us to better target our donor marketing to attract new donors and to identify donor service improvements that might further support retention.”

It is your task to help them solve this problem. Relative to the data set provided, your task is develop a more specific objective and then use the data set to solve that problem. A file called – ‘Red Cross Data’ will be uploaded later in my account, this must be used as the data set for this Dissertation. Another file called – ‘Data Code’ will also be uploaded to explain the variables measured in the Red Cross data set.

Be succinct in what you are assessing. Do not research things that are not going to help solve the research problem and its quantifiable objectives. You only have 2500 words.

This Dissertation must have the following: 1) Introduction, 2) Literature Review, 3) Research Problem, 4) Methodology, 5) Results, and 6) Conclusions & Recommendations (the conclusions must note the limitations associated with this study). A file called – ‘Breakdown of Each Chapter’ will be uploaded later in my account to provide further information on what need to be included in each of the 6 chapters.

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