007: Business Management Techniques for Engineers


Assignment 2 – Projects Planning and Costings




Student Name: __________________________
Grading Criteria
Pass Assessed in Assignment Merit Assessed in Assignments Distinction Assessed in Assignments
1.1 1 M1 1, 2 D1 2
1.2 1 M2 1, 2 D2 1
1.3 1 M3a 1 D3 2
2.1 2 M3b 2
2.2 2
3.1 1
3.2 1
3.3 1
4.1 2
4.2 2
4.3 2
Assignment Author IV signature
(brief) IV signature
Owen Latham M. Al-Asadi


PASS grade must be achieved:
Outcomes Learner has demonstrated the ability to: Source of evidence

Outcome 2

Be able to select and apply costing systems and techniques
LO 2.1: Create appropriate costing systems and techniques for specific engineering business functions

Task 1

LO 2.2: Measure the impact of changing activity levels on engineering business performance

Task 2
Outcome 4

Be able to apply project planning and scheduling methods to an engineering project
LO4.1: Establish the project resources and requirements

Task 3

LO4.2: Produce a plan with appropriate time-scales for completing the project

Task 4
LO4.3: Plan the human resource requirement and costs associated with each stage of the project

Task 5

MERIT grade descriptors that may be achieved for this assignment:
Merit Grade Descriptors Indicative Characteristics Contextualisation Source of evidence

Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
an effective approach to study and research has been applied
Identify different costing methods and apply appropriate referencing
Task 1

select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
a range of sources of information has been used
A description on how the project plan is evolved is provided with a no more than extra 100 words
Task 4

Present and communicate appropriate findings
Throughout the report, the solutions are coherently presented using technical language appropriately and in a professional manner Use of appropriate technical language to demonstrate coherent solutions using various sources
All Tasks


Distinction grade descriptors that may be achieved for this assignment:
Merit Grade Descriptors Indicative Characteristics contextualisation Source of evidence

use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified
Discuss how time management can affect the overall cost of the project listing at least two factors and reflecting that on your project plan. The discussion should be in no more than 150 words

Tasks 4&5


Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

ideas have been generated and decisions taken
Re-produce the project plan with a 5% discount of the total cost. Explain how this is achieved in no more than extra 100 word
Task 5

General Information

All submissions to be submitted via HE Learn Zone in MS Word format. File name should include the candidate’s name, module title and assignment number. All answers must be clearly identified as to which task and question they refer to. All work must be submitted through Learn Zone.

All questions in the tasks must be completed correctly with sufficient detail to gain the pass criteria.

After each question, or part question, is a word count in brackets. This word count is for the work you have created and does not include any tables of contents, diagrams, tables, citations or bibliography. Harvard referencing, via the Microsoft Word ‘management of sources’ menus, should be used where appropriate.

Where a word count has been specified, the submission must be within ±10% of that value for access to M/D grades. The merit and distinction descriptors that may be achieved in each task are given in the table above and you should consider these when approaching your research as well as when writing your answer.

TASK 1 (LO 2.1)

Create appropriate costing systems and techniques for specific engineering business functions.

For two types of engineering businesses (you are to select two different types of costing system) create a costing system and identify the techniques required for implementation.

(300 words)
TASK 2 (LO 2.2)

Measure the impact of changing activity levels on engineering business performance

The engineering businesses you identified in task 1 above, have to change their costing methodology due to market forces. Measure the impact that this would have on the business and the costing systems employed

(300 words)

Use the following information for the remaining part of the assignment.

You have been passed some notes from an initial project planning meeting after a design breakthrough. You have been tasked with preparing the feasibility study. To manufacture your new revolutionary component requires 3 manufacturing processes and a packing process. Quotations for the machinery have been obtained.
1. Process 1:
Cost of machinery is £10k, 2 operators, 50 units per hour, maintenance 6 month intervals at 4hours, running cost £25/ hour

2. Process 2:
Cost of machinery is £20k, 1 operator, 100 units per hour, maintenance yearly at 8hours, running cost £30/ hour

3. Process 3:
Cost of machinery is £5k, automated, 200 per hour, maintenance monthly at 1hour, running cost £10/ hour

4. Packing process, current equipment can be used, 1 operator, 20 units per hour, maintenance by operators daily at 30 minutes.
Installing the machines takes 1 half day each and requires 1 electrical and 1 mechanical fitter.
Training takes 1 hour per operator and requires the machine being available.
Commissioning each machine takes 2 days, requires both fitters and 1 operator.
Production is to be spread evenly across the year, with batches produced in a single run, once per week.
Labour costs are £15 per hour per operator, £20 per hour for fitters.

Task 3 – Learning Outcomes 4.1

Establish the project resources and requirements

List the total resources and associated costs required to complete the whole project for a 2 year production run.

Task 4 – Learning Outcomes 4.2

Produce a plan with appropriate time-scales for completing the project

Produce a project plan covering installation, commissioning, training and operating production for the two years.

Task 5 – Learning Outcomes 4.3

Plan the human resource requirement and costs associated with each stage of the project

Plan the human resources required listing the requirements on a weekly basis and costs on a monthly basis using organisational methodology to show resources movement between possible contracts.
End of assessment brief

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