Analyzing an argument

(Please do not use any outside sources)
In a 500-750 word essay, analyze a particular feature of King’s “Letter,” how it appeals to the audience and how it stands as a classic model of effective argument. Consider that the letter was directed to both the eight clergymen whom King identified as brothers and to the general American public who would read his letter in the newspaper. Be sure to have a specific thesis and to refer to specific passages from the letter. (Note section on quoting, pages 286-289.) You may use parenthetical references to paragraphs to aid the reader in locating passages you quote. For example, King agrees with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all’ (para 15).

Some examples:
Topic: King’s conciliatory tone. Thesis: Although King is arguing forcefully to the clergymen that they are wrong in urging patience, he carefully maintains the friendly, intimate, and respectful tone with which he addresses them.

Topic: King’s use of religous examples. Thesis: In addressing the clergymen, King skillfully employs religious examples and analogies that they can hardly argue with.

Topic: King’s answer to the charge of being an outsider or extremist. Thesis: King effectively answers the charge of being an outsider (extremist) by not only answering the original charge but by eliminating the negative impact of the label.

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