Annotated Bibliography

Provide a short list of secondary sources to be used in your major assignment. Explain why each reference will be important to the

argument/narrative/approach taken in your final essay.

Criteria & Marking:

1. Appropriate selection of secondary sources – books or articles published by quality publisher or journal abd written by recognised historians

(if you are unsure, check with your tutor)
2. Correct setting out of Author/Title/Publication information for each reference
3. Clear explanation for the inclusion of each secondary source in your final essay
4. Discussion of the themes and approaches taken by the secondary authors chosen


2-Research-led creative history on your own choice of topic and format.

Criteria & Marking:

Your major assignment in this course is to produce a creative history that is firmly based on evidence. You are to thoroughly research an event or

person from history using academic secondary references (journal articles, books and book chapters) from which you will write your own creative

account. If possible, use primary sources in your creative retelling of this history. But remember that footnoting and referencing are assessed in

this assignment. Your analysis should be engaging so consider the format in which you present your history – will it be an essay, a facsimile

book, historical artefact, or online presentation, for example? You will be expected to start researching your assignment by the middle of the

course, and to be prepared to discuss early drafts in the major assignment workshops.

Assessment Criteria
1. To meet the basic criteria for this assessment, your essay should be well-structured and clearly expressed. Referencing of primary and

secondary sources and a bibliography/reference list is essential. A creative approach to style and format is encouraged.
2. To exceed the basic criteria for this assessment, in addition to the above you should include a clear statement of argument,

approach and method engaging with the course readings as well as your own sources; and ro support your argument with appropriate examples and

quotations from secondary texts.
3. To achieve a higher level of competency, in addition to the above you should demonstrate precision in the use of historical

examples and provide a critical evaluation of the effects achieved by the use of particular narrative techniques in history.
4. For the highest outcome, in addition to the above you will need to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the questions

raised in the course relating to the tensions between historical and fictional approaches to the past.

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